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Houston TX - Mayday 2007

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Did a search and saw that this was posted, but didn't see the youtube videos. Anyway, just thought I'd re-post this with a couple questions since the other threads are locked.

Once the mayday was called why wasn't all other radio traffic diverted to another frequency? Watching the video you hear numerous times where everyone was stepping on each other, sounded like all hell was breaking loose. Not criticizing the actions by anyone, just curious as to why everyone continued to stay on the same frequency. Does Houston FD have any Fireground type frequencies available to them?

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It's my understanding that once a MAYDAY is transmitted, ALL radio traffic it to cease IMMIDIATELY, no exceptions....

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  EFFP411 said:
It's my understanding that once a MAYDAY is transmitted, ALL radio traffic it to cease IMMIDIATELY, no exceptions....

As is mine. Maybe Houston has different SOPs?

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SOP's and reality are two very different things. In every report I've ever read after a fatality communications issues are an issue, and its usually pretty simple. I really do hate to keep throwing FDNY out there but its what I know, in an effort to improve radio operations involving roll calls after a building is evacuated or a lost or missing ff is discovered roll calls were being practiced at minor alarms and a specific day of training at the rock is dedicated to them. Its an ongoing problem in all fire depts.

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