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Hartsdale's Engine 171 For Sale (1976 Ward LaFrance)

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It appears Hartsdale's 1976 Ward LaFrance, refurbished by Ranger in 1986, is currently for sale since the new 2007 Spartan/4-Guys Engine has been replaced.

I've tried emailing Firehouse Apparatus and leaving a message, but have gotten no reply. I haven't gotten any reply from a letter sent to Hartsdale Fire District. Has anyone seen anything in the legal section of the newspaper soliciting bids for it?

If the price is right, I'd really like to get my hands on it as a "momento", lol. It's in great shape considering it's age, I love WLF's, and with some TLC, it would be a great muster piece, providing I could find a place to store it.

Or, has it already been disposed of?

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