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Snow Removal at the Firehouse

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I have a few questions to pose for everyone, since this is an ongoing problem with my department.

Please list the name of your fire dept/VAC/etc. and who is supposed to remove the snow from the ramps/sidewalks, and who actually does the snow removal.

The reason I'm asking, is in the Village of Croton, the DPW is supposed to remove the snow from all the firehouses. (Village Property.) This rarley ever happens though. Every year, the members break down and do it, because they are so fed up with it not getting done, and we don't want to see anyone get hurt responding to an alarm. I'm curious to see if this is a common problem.

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Im hoping to fall and break my Uterus so I can sue and change Croton-on-Hudson to CFD320-on-Hudson. POW

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in ardsley the dpw does it as well and they do, do a pretty good job sometimes. many of the members do also break down and plow it since it sometimes does not get done. also in delhi the dpw does it there but we are usally the last one to get plow after the strom is over. and right across the street is a state place wit trucks and salt and they can't do it for us

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So much for prioritizing by importance. Can't wait until the DPW is on fire and you have to tell them to hold on, you're shoveling the apron.

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In Mount Kisco, we have a fine crew from the DPW clearing the snow from the ramps, sidewalks & parking lots!!

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In Millwood we have one of our Ex-Chief's who does it. When the DPW guys come through they do it if it hasn't been hit in a while... Same for our sub station... And also whoever has the State HW route for R134 (none of us know who he is) also will swing up the side ramp around the back and clear and sand the front ramp as he is passing through.

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Hope you send a card to whomever (s)he is for the holidays. Heck, address it to "mystery hero" if you need to! :D

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  WAS967 said:
So much for prioritizing by importance

That's the norm in Croton. We've been dealing with it for years. Sad reality! ](*,) ](*,)

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i haven't seen DPW remove snow at my firehouse since the blizzard of 1996

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Well, much to my suprise, when I woke up Thursday morning after the snow storm, the ramp at my firehouse had actually been somewhat plowed. Only have the ramp, and nothing had been done with the sidewalks, but, as I've come to learn, you can't ask too much from the Village of Croton!!

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We even got a good salt job at Grand Street........

Great Job DPW =D> =D>

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  CFD320 said:
We even got a good salt job at Grand Street........

Great Job DPW  =D>  =D>

I wouldn't say "Great"...

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Isn't the DPW road foreman a member of your company?

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At Hartsdale we plow our own stations using 2173.

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Yes cfd320 he is.

I am finally glad the truth came out about your uterus.

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Well, I think I spoke to soon in my last post on this topic...E119 was on standby all night at the firehouse during the "blizzard" We got called out for a smoke condition and arrived back at the firehouse somewhere around 0500Hrs. If I remember correctly, the snow started to stick to the ground at about 1400Hrs, the previous day. We had to go to the chiefs to get the DPW to plow just the ramp FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE SNOW STARTED!!!! Might I add that I heard that Sta 3 (Harmon Eng) was plowed a few times during the night. Does anybody see why the Sta. 2 Crew is getting upset about it???

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Three things

1, nice avatar CFD-320. =D>

2, Art dont do any more posts (119). =D>

3, I agree the snow removal was disgraceful at station 2. [-X

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we have to shovel the apron after 1 inch or the rig cant get back in the firehouse. so the brothers shovel quit often during a good storm.

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At TVAC, the DPW will usually plow our parking lot, but our members still do a lot of work. However we still owe a big thanks to the DPW because they will try to get a plow to lead the way if we get called out during a storm. Last week, their was a plow waiting I/F/O our bay doors before my dad, who was upstairs, had gone downstairs and opened the door. Thanks a lot Tarrytown DPW!!

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Correction, Tarrytown DPW doesnt plow our parking lot, a member of the FD does. DPW still does a great job, and so does the FF. =D> =D> =D>

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Big correction a member from L-37 plowed tried to plow out TVAC but the DPW kept plowing it back. I should know because I was with that member =D>

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In Pleasantville, we've contracted out the plowing. DPW does a good job clearing roads on the way to alarms...all though, when 4 chiefs and ex chiefs work for DPW help shouldn't be a problem

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In Lake Carmel we bid every year which is open to the members. That person have a contract and is ok'd by the board of directors. The contract is yearly and in the contract. He does a good job between both of the firehouses making sure walkways and stairways are shoveled.

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I live in brewster, Ma and durring the blizzard of 2005 i went into the fire station on saturday night with 5 inches already on the ground and it was snowing hard and we were predicted to get about 3-4 ft (a ton of snow) and the fire dept members were responsible for clearing the walkway into the station and the small area between the bay and the building where the plows have trouble getting into. on sunday morning we had 2 ft and drifts taller than me (5'5") and it was going to snow more through out the night and the dpw couild only keep the 5 main roads open bc there was just to much snow so when there was a call on of the 5 bucket loaders that the town owned raced to the station to "escort" the ambulance or engine or apperatus to the scean while one of the other bucket loaders would work on getting to that road. sunday morning the snow had tappered off and we got 39" and drifts over 10 ft. and the dpw had keep open 6 roads working 24 hours 2 days straight!!


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correction: it snowed all of saturday afternoon and all day sunday and let up monday morning not sunday morning as stated above

but still the brewster DPW did a good job lol =D> =D>

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At least we can say that this winter is officially over...

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We have a few members that plow. We also use our "utility" (which is a Polaris Ranger 6x6) to assist at Station 2. We cannot equip our brush trucks with plows because they have front mounted winches. The highway crew helps out at Headquarters also. We do have a plans to equip a dept vehicle with a 8' plow in the future (so the members don't have to beat their own equipment)--hopefully this snow season is over and we will have it by next winter!!

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