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Will Firefighters Be Replaced By Robots?

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I know the title my sound crazy and sci-fi, but is it possible that in the near future, firefighters can be replaced by robots.

PD's use bomb robot and intelligence roboyod.

So why can't the FD's? What about robot that could make entry into a building with an intergrated TIC to give the OIC a better look, temparture, etc? Or one that coud be deployed onto a truss roof to vent, or into a basment to knock fire down.

Or, a evacuation robot that goes through a large building wanring people to evacuate the area?

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I don't think today's robots have the ability to articulate and carry out rather complicated tasks as well as humans can. In the case of firefighting, just about everything is probably not replicable by a robot be it taking a hand line through the front door, venting, performing searches, etc. The tasks are too complicated and the situations far too varied.

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Maybe more in the hazmat field, Like taking samples or somthing IDK.

Edited by NoFearFD

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I don't think today's robots have the ability to articulate and carry out rather complicated tasks as well as humans can. In the case of firefighting, just about everything is probably not replicable by a robot be it taking a hand line through the front door, venting, performing searches, etc. The tasks are too complicated and the situations far too varied.

I'll second his opinion. Is a robot gonna know when a flashover, rollover, or backdraft occurs? Is it going to be able to get people out in time before they die? Too many variables for a robot.


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I know the title my sound crazy and sci-fi, but is it possible that in the near future, firefighters can be replaced by robots.

PD's use bomb robot and intelligence roboyod.

So why can't the FD's? What about robot that could make entry into a building with an intergrated TIC to give the OIC a better look, temparture, etc? Or one that coud be deployed onto a truss roof to vent, or into a basment to knock fire down.

Or, a evacuation robot that goes through a large building wanring people to evacuate the area?


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Have you not seen "I robot" It will not work in anyway. As said maybe a tool the firefighters could use but not replace us. Robots don't think and can not make split second choices. they will not remember that there is a window one room back that can be bailed out of. Or more importantly they have no concept of self preservation. They will just plunk away in 1000 degree heat and say when it has surpassed livable conditions, must stop search and start suppression.

How about they work on a robot that packs hose or fills bottles? That would be great! he could also have a water cooler inside so we would always be hydrated.

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Maybe more in the hazmat field, Like taking samples or somthing IDK.

Thats a great Idea and could very well work. Just like Bomb techs send in the robot to grab the bomb and place it in a Bomb Barrel, Haz-Mat Techs could use the Robot to enter the IDLH and collect a sample of the material and run the Meters to determine the hazard and plan for it. Use the robot as a recon team but instead of placing Techs in harms way and need to Decon them and rehab them before they can re-enter. I am on a team and know how hard it is today to get Technicians to JOIN teams let alone show up for calls, using the robot will save your manpower for the actual plugging and containing ops. Good idea.

Have you not seen "I robot" It will not work in anyway. As said maybe a tool the firefighters could use but not replace us. Robots don't think and can not make split second choices. they will not remember that there is a window one room back that can be bailed out of. Or more importantly they have no concept of self preservation. They will just plunk away in 1000 degree heat and say when it has surpassed livable conditions, must stop search and start suppression.

How about they work on a robot that packs hose or fills bottles? That would be great! he could also have a water cooler inside so we would always be hydrated.

I understand where you are coming from but realize one thing too bro....robots cant be burned!! lol If they get melted than put them in the repair shop and VOILA!! Hes back in action.

Use the robots for recon missions to scout ahead of the attack team and test the floor, look for the seat of the fire and locate an extra set of eyes for the search team and search twice the area twice as fast. Set them up with the TIC so its less the team has to carry, and the robots view can be seen in the HUD of the could very well be the future of firefighting, who knows for sure!! lol

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I too am of the belief that robots or AI systems are at present not able to replace human firefighters. They do not yet have the capabilities for independent thought or action outside of pre programmed information. So for today ..yes all the uses so far decribed would be feasible and maybe even in most cases desirable.

As for tomorrow..well who knows. Everyday it seems there is another improvement or leap forward in the technologies of computer science and robotics. Then there is the obsession with safety to contend with in favor of robotic FFs. (I am a firm believer in FF safety, but I believe that some standards have become overblown and actually hamper our ability to simply do what we are there to do, which is "save lives and put the fire out", but that's another discussion). Obviously it is much safer to put inanimate machines in harms way rather than human beings. Based on this I would have to say that yes it is concieveable that humans could be replaced eventually by machines...maybe even in my lifetime.

There are other factors besides technology and safety though. Cost being first among we spend $500,000 on a new rig or on a robot with no way to get it to the scene and all the necessary support apparatus to make it work? And of course there is also the human desire to help others and well let's face it, beat our age old nemesis the "red devil". Tradition and emotion would be a huge obstacle to be overcome for firefighters to be completely replaced by robots.

Personally, I'll take my chances battling the beast..I enjoy what I do far too much to give it up to a machine, but hey I'm a dinosaur anyway..


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You have too much time on your hands my friend! B)

I second that!


Edited by Future Fireman

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Robots can't take the heat!!! Heck just thik what happens when you computer overloads during hight temperatures. All it's circuits fry. I don't think you'll see an effective firefighting robot for quite sometime.

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