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Message for 'BNN 485'

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Please note the Forum Administrator (jack10562) and the Director Of Operations (Truck4) have added a new message above the Incident Alert forums and topics.

I feel the message is quite clear now.

I just want to note Truck4 created the "IA", and has made the program into what it is today. It's THE most popular feature on this site. It's also the one that creates the most work and headaches. He is constantly editing Incident Alerts, fact checking, training moderators, collecting information, doing random accuracy audits, working with members, etc. He puts in hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours each year on the Incident Alerts, all completly for free. His only reward is the members who enjoy and use it. I completly understand and am with him on this issue that keeps popping up over and over. I'm glad to see the members of this site have his back as well....Truck4 is a an asset to this site, so don't mess with him!

And on another note, the end product of the Incident Alert is made possible by the EMTBravo Community, who does so to freely share information with their peers.

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Truck4 is a an asset to this site, so don't mess with him!

I really don't think people are messing with Truck4 I think they are just expressing there opinions on how they feel about the "fake" IA.

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Like I said in my previous post, I was not defending that specific action of direct copying word from word. The majority of BNN reporters just monitor scanners and never gather information from the internet. I can understand your frustration, but I still think that posting B.S. I.A.'s is ridiculous. You guys have proved your point time & time again. I have seen the message on this forum directed to BNN485 since I joined the site over 2 years ago. Why subject your loyal subscribers to false information at the expense of proving a point time & time again when you know it's probably just going to get copied anyway.

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Documenting copyright violations and / or intellectual property theft takes some effort on our part.

We are the ones who have to demonstrate there have been episodes of violations of the site copyright notice.

This has to be done in order to obtain a satisfactory judgement regarding our complaint against infringement, should we decide to pursue relief through the courts.

Going that route is a last resort, and we reserve that right.

The bottom line is we don't want anyone stealing EMTBravo content for monetary gain or otherwise.

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I say send an e-mail and say you guys can take our IA's all you want, you just gonna need to send over 8,134 pagers for the members free of charge. ( i am joking )

The IA's are EMTbravo Property and we have paying members so it really is a big issue. i know we are mainly free members but some people pay to help the site. would BNN be so calm if we started getting info from their service and posting it here? Nope they would be in an up roar that we were taking their "private subscription" info.

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So no one here has ever copied something that wasn't theres? Hard to believe.

Edited by DOC22

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Documenting copyright violations and / or intellectual property theft takes some effort on our part.

We are the ones who have to demonstrate there have been episodes of violations of the site copyright notice.

This has to be done in order to obtain a satisfactory judgement regarding our complaint against infringement, should we decide to pursue relief through the courts.

Going that route is a last resort, and we reserve that right.

The bottom line is we don't want anyone stealing EMTBravo content for monetary gain or otherwise.

I totally understand what you are saying, but you should have enough examples by now to stop subjecting your subscribers to bogus Incident Alerts. Like I said, that message to BNN485 has been there for over 2 years already ! Just out of curiosity, how many of you subscribe to BNN ? Some of you must be subscribers since you know about them recently starting to use the "Copyright" symbol on their pages.

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I totally understand what you are saying, but you should have enough examples by now to stop subjecting your subscribers to bogus Incident Alerts

We don't have "subscribers", we have members. Incident Alert, like this forum, is free to use, with the extensive costs covered by advertisers and a select few generous members Incident Alerts are provided and maintained by our hard working members and staff. This IA was tactically placed when we knew that member was logged on, and it was quickly retracted as soon as he or she read it. As the majority of members know, IA's are often updated and refreshed, and the message explaining the situation was placed in the IA afterwards. Additionally, it was documented with this post.

And, we don't "subject" our members to bogus Incident Alerts, period. Out of the thousands of IA's, it's only happened 3 times over a 5 year period, all to the same person to document the same situation. And it was done in each situation after numerous IA's were ripped off from here, word for word.

We don't like to be exploited by people who steal our information and sell it for their profit and their again, and I think the majority of members are with us on that. If they can't cover this area, then that's their problem, not ours.

As stated, if we started posting BNN pages word for word on this site, I'm sure they wouldn't be happy about us giving out their info for free.

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I totally understand what you are saying, but you should have enough examples by now to stop subjecting your subscribers to bogus Incident Alerts.

Funny you should say this, because hasn't BNN sent out fake pages when they were having problems with another paging service in order to catch them in the act?

I get it, BNN can do it and we can't.

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Funny you should say this, because hasn't BNN sent out fake pages when they were having problems with another paging service in order to catch them in the act?

I get it, BNN can do it and we can't.

I never said you can't do it, just saying I personally think it's ridiculous. I thought it was ridiculous when it was done at BNN as well. 1st Responder, or 2nd Rate News Service as I like to call them, was notorious for copying our info. They were caught countless times. Do you think they ever learned a lesson ? No, so why keep posting B.S. Incident Alerts ? It just pisses off your subscribers in the long run !

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I was recruited by BNN485 to send out IAs for BNN. Prior to BNN, I never used any other service except for IPN. Once, I saw how BNN was run, I knew it was not controlled as IPN. IPN is very strict about not sending out numerous pages related to the same incident basically giving a play by play of the job. They wanted it short and sweet with as much info as possible. There were many things that I didnt like about BNN. You had to download a CAD software to your computer instead of having a web based CAD system. Also, I saw jobs sent out before they were confirmed and many of these jobs ended being BS.

During the time I was sending out IAs for BNN, I was still very and more active on IPN. BNN was not crazy about this, but they accepted it. A few months ago, I started sending out IAs for 1st Responder. When BNN485 found this out he gave me an ultimatum. He said he had to make a choice on whether I was going to send out IAs for BNN or for 1st Responder. I chose the latter of the two. I know made a wise choice.

I also want to go on record that I NEVER steal anyone else's IAs and send them out as my own. I listen to my radios and scanners and get the info first hand from the airwaves or from other members who call me and ask me to send out the info for them. I always wait for the actual job to be confirmed first of course.

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If this is the case why hasnt BNN485 been kicked off the site as of yet? If this is such a big problem ban the person from the site. That should end the problem.

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