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Bed Bugs Infest New Rochelle Police Cruisers

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I guess some perp left the gift that keeps on giving!

Bed bugs infest New Rochelle cell block, police cruisers

By Leslie Korngold

The Journal News • July 15, 2008

NEW ROCHELLE - A bed bug infestation that started in the city cell block spread to three radio cars, with the most recent problem vehicle discovered yesterday.


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I saw this....this does not sound like fun for anyone, cops of perps. At least it did not spread farther.

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Thanks for the heads-up, ill be sure to delouse my friends before they enter the house!

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Better bed bugs...then crabs.

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A while back the EMS room at Mount Vernon hospital was infested with FLEAS. :(

Edited by WAS967

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A while back the EMS room at Mount Vernon hospital was infested with FLEAS. :(

So was an Empress ambulance after taking some people to the hospital from a building on VCPA!

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Better bed bugs...then crabs.

And's better to have lobsters on the piano, then crabs on the organ !!!

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I read, a couple of years back in the Daily News, that bed bug infestation was once again becoming an issue in NYC. Apparently, "Don't let the bed bugs bite" isn't just a saying.

These pests are extremly difficult to kill, and are resistant to many types of bug killers. It's so severe, in fact, that I believe there's an ordinance or policy in place that when a truck delivers a new mattress, it's not allowed to take the old mattress in the same truck.

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