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Chappaqua SMRP Incident 7-4-08

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Sounds like a very serious accident on the SMRP that's posted in the IA-Westchester section:

Just a few questions on the incident, from a learning perspective. I am positive that their are people on here that were on scene and/or can answer my questions, so please don't just lurk!

#1. Chappaqua has a 54-B-2? I thought they only had one ambulance? Did they keep the old 54-B-1 when they bought the current 54-B-1? If so, where is it housed? I vaguely remember Chappaqua storing an ambulance in a tent besides their building when they got the new ambulance, but is this still the case?

#2. There were a lot of units that responded to this call. As we all know, the SMRP in this area is very tight? Was there a staging area establsihed so that the roadway wasn't completly inundated with emergency vehicles?

#3. Where did they land Stat-Flight?

#4. ICS. Was ICS implented at this incident, if so what sectors?

#5. It looks like all the 45-Medics were commited to this incident, as well as numerous ambulances. If this had been a fire, their would have been numerous relocates. Were their any EMS relocates?

Chappaqua's certainly been having a busy summer!

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I can shed some light on #2 and #3

#2: most units where located ON the SMRP, the incident was in the trees off the the right of the PKW, and most, If not all units where at the bottom of the hill, (north bound lane) both lanes of traffic.

#3. STAT flight landed in the grassy area off the the right at the bottom of the hill.

The Incident was south of readers digest, north of 120, where north bound drops and south bound rises; next to the rock face


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I can answer 1.

#1. Chappaqua has a 54-B-2? I thought they only had one ambulance? Did they keep the old 54-B-1 when they bought the current 54-B-1? If so, where is it housed? I vaguely remember Chappaqua storing an ambulance in a tent besides their building when they got the new ambulance, but is this still the case?

Yes, we kept the old one. It is still housed in a tent, various plans have been considered for building a second garage but none have come to fruition yet.


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Sounds like a very serious accident on the SMRP that's posted in the IA-Westchester section:

Just a few questions on the incident, from a learning perspective. I am positive that their are people on here that were on scene and/or can answer my questions, so please don't just lurk!

#1. Chappaqua has a 54-B-2? I thought they only had one ambulance? Did they keep the old 54-B-1 when they bought the current 54-B-1? If so, where is it housed? I vaguely remember Chappaqua storing an ambulance in a tent besides their building when they got the new ambulance, but is this still the case?

#2. There were a lot of units that responded to this call. As we all know, the SMRP in this area is very tight? Was there a staging area establsihed so that the roadway wasn't completly inundated with emergency vehicles?

#3. Where did they land Stat-Flight?

#4. ICS. Was ICS implented at this incident, if so what sectors?

#5. It looks like all the 45-Medics were commited to this incident, as well as numerous ambulances. If this had been a fire, their would have been numerous relocates. Were their any EMS relocates?

Chappaqua's certainly been having a busy summer!

1. Yep, they have two rigs.

2. Units were directed to come SB in the NB lanes from Roaring Brook Road, seems like they had no issues getting in / out.

3. In the grassy area along the east shoulder of the SMRP.

4. 2062 had FD Command, 45M2 had EMS Command (so it seemed on my end of the radio, anyway).

5. I believe 45M4 was available and "posted centrally."

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Rough day for WEMS medics between this one and the Katonah accident.

How many ambulances beat stat flight to the med center? Allegedly, one agency that arrived after Air-1 was on the ground managed to arrive at WMC faster. I'm sure many here are tired of me harping on this point, but we continue to put our most critical patients on a helicopter that delays their arrival at definitive care and prevents the helicopter from being available where it can actually make a positive impact.

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