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Frequently Asked Questions: What Questions Do You Have About The Site?

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I'm opening this thread so that members may ask legitmate questions regarding the forum and it's operation. I know there have been many misunderstadings that have insulted or turned off some members.

So, I'm going to open this thread for members to ask about any questions regarding the EMTBravo sites, for either myself or the staff to answer. I know this forum is kind of intensive with everything that's going on, and a member may not understand why and how we do things- which we want the oppurtunity to clear up with factual information.

PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not for giving input on how the site should be run, snide comments, debate about site operations, etc. It is purely for the asking of the question and getting a factual explanation from a staff member.

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I have always wondered what the point system was. How do you get points and do you get some more than others for doing topics? What are they used for? Thanks.

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