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White Plains parking officers say push to write tickets 'cruel'

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White Plains parking officers say push to write tickets 'cruel'

By Richard Liebson

The Journal News • June 21, 2008

WHITE PLAINS - The city known for cracking down on parking violators is now cracking down on those who write the tickets.

White Plains parking enforcement officers, or PEOs, said a drop in the number of tickets being written has prompted their bosses to adopt "cruel and inhumane'' policies aimed at producing more fines, even restricting where they can go to the bathroom.

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I don't want to hear any sob stories from these "COMMUNISTS". There have been many times where I was over by like 2-4 min walking to my car and the person still wrote me the ticket. I thought that I even read on a sign somewhere that you are given a 6 min grace period. They don't want to hear that. One day I want them on the end of my pen.

These TICKET WRITERS are probably hearing if from the people at last and decided that they will blame it on the higher ups. I know where to park if I don't mind the walk that doesn't have METERS.

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Back in the day....(1983ish) They wrote me a ticket for parking in a no parking zone. I was on WP amb #2 on a 911 job for a heart attack. The Abbey Richmond paramedic director had me go to court to get it resolved.

I remeber everyone then having the opinion that if one of "them" was ever struck, the response time would be a record....Main St. and Mamaroneck ave. nope we cant find the location....expidite....nope still cant find the street. LOL

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This is a shining example of how manager-types micro-manage their employees. Hiring a PI? That is out of control. What is the return on the money they pay out to a PI vs. the "Lost Productivity" of employees using the bathroom? I can understand if employees are grossly derelict in their duties, but when is enough enough? I can't understand for the life of me why politicians and the public alike cannot get over the bit of downtime public employees get in their shifts (albeit some more than others.) Talk to any HR person in Corporate America, and they'll inform you that it is a proven fact that there is a standard 40% productivity loss with employees, because of the internet, email, etc. Just my .02.

Edited by mbendel36

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If the business owners were smart, they would charge theses "Officer's" to use their facilities. White Plains seems to be a city where they would rather fine consumers and drive them away, than allow them to spend their money and keep coming back. I guess they'll make there money, one way or another. Anybody know what they're paying the P.I.'s???

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They don't give ANYONE breaks and they want them? They made their beds...!

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All of that money that that city makes and their pinchin pennies for parking tickets.. Was Whiteplains in the paper months back with an article on how the fed govt owes the city 100,000's of thousands in parking fines for the recruitment officers and their deliquent fines? If so, time to cash in. Btw when was the last time anyone has actually been able to find a parking spot with all the construction they have goin on?

Hey maybe its time for some pay-portapottys..

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Can I just say that while I respect the PIs job and the people who do it.....I can not stand the White Plains Parking Authority. They will get you every time no question, even by 5 minutes.

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I don't want to hear any sob stories from these "COMMUNISTS". There have been many times where I was over by like 2-4 min walking to my car and the person still wrote me the ticket. I thought that I even read on a sign somewhere that you are given a 6 min grace period. They don't want to hear that. One day I want them on the end of my pen.

These TICKET WRITERS are probably hearing if from the people at last and decided that they will blame it on the higher ups. I know where to park if I don't mind the walk that doesn't have METERS.

CBS news actually did a story on this recently that showed the ticket maids actually were writing fines BEFORE the time was up. By as early as five min. They would still write down the time which the meter said was up, but the ticket was already written by the time your meter was up.

As far as the bathroom goes.... Depends aisle 5! :lol:

Edited by FFD941

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We all have had some issues with meter maids but the issue here is how they are treated by management due to the actions of a few. To tell someone what bathroom to got to be kidding. They need a union !!!

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