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Fights with balloons, food end in arrests and a Officer with a hurts wrist

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CENTRAL VALLEY — Police officers and Sheriffs Deputies patrolled Monroe-Woodbury High School and five students were arrested Thursday as students hurled water balloons and later staged a food fight.

The two disruptions took place hours apart. The water-balloon war began in a hallway about 7:10 a.m., before classes began, one witness recalled.

"There were kids throwing them at kids, but they were hitting administrators, too," said Connor, a 10th-grader who didn't want to give his last name.

He said the episode lasted about 10 minutes until police stopped it.



CENTRAL VALLEY — Monroe-Woodbury High School is in lockdown after its second disruption of the school day, this one involving a food fight in the cafeteria.

Earlier today, Woodbury police and Orange County Sheriffs Deputies descended on the high school after a water balloon fight erupted in the school. Two students were taken into custody in connection with that incident.

About 11 a.m., a report came about a food fight at the high school.

Edited by xfirefighter484x
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Just to clairify this... The officer down call which involved physical contact was from an incident that happened four years ago in the Monroe High School.

Nevertheless, Hope all is well for this officer.

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Just to clarify... the Times Herald Record is not always accurate and they don't always have their facts straight. The officer did slip and fall but that was after he was surrounded by approx 200 kids that backed him into a corner. Yesterday's incident should not be compared to the incident 4 yrs ago however police officers were attacked by students on both occassions.

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