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Croton Incidents 6/11/08

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Regarding the two incidents in Croton on 6/11/08...

The fire at 25 South Riverside Avenue was a pair of electric generators that caught fire, within 3 feet of the two story commercial building. One 1 3/4" line was put to use with foam. No extension or damage to the building which houses Croton Hardware on the first floor and Bestweb Internet offices on the 2nd floor.

Frank Becerra Jr. from the Journal News was there popping a bunch of pictures, which can be seen here:

Video link:

The car into the building at 10 Maple Street was minor for the most part, however two males were injured when they were struck / run over by the car. This is a single story strip mall, just to the north east of Croton Diner on South Riverside Avenue.

Additional info is at the link below. story.

Good work by all members of CFD, CEMS and CPD.

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A very busy and unusual week to say the least for us. More info and pics regarding these two incidents and others responded to last week here:

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