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Compact Flourecent Bulbs

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Finally someone has pointed the potential dangers these present. They're great in concept but a nightmare as far as safety and the environment are concerned. A guy from HazMat1 was telling me a cute story about a woman who after hearing about CFL's and how great they were went to WalMart and loaded up on them. First stop was the babys room where she promptly crushed all of them. After a call to 311 an hour later her apt is sealed off the carpet is gone from the room and she needs an environmental cleaner to come in to remove the remaining mercury from her apartment. Great product.

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i want to vote for that guy to be president

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i want to vote for that guy to be president

Me too.

I like him for McCain's VP slot.

Now, under article 1, section 8, clause 3, "The Congress shall have power to REGULATE commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;" I don't see anywhere in the Constitution that says Congress can BAN items.


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Why the heck does congress spend time on LIGHT BULBS when we have mush more pressing issues to deal with. (ie... WAR??)

I guess the brain cells imidiately leave the heads of politicians as soon as they enter the house.

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I know at the Hospital that I work at we have a large room just for bulbs and we have them removed by a company every 3 months. But we do this for types of items, old CPU,Batteries , ect.

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