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Post #5,000 For x635

9 posts in this topic

This posts marks my 5,000th, and I want to cermoniously mark it by making this ostentatious post.

My fingers sure do a lot of typing! (Best internet related alternative I could find to "big mouth" or "windbag", lol)

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Great Job, Seth!!!!!!!

Thanks for an awesome site and all that you havew given us over the years!!!

Keep Typing!!! LOL

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Congrats seth!!!!!

here's to 5,000 more. Without carpal tunnel that is..... :D

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SLACKER!!!!! lol

It's a GREAT site Seth,

Thank You for all your work!

The Fire, Police, EMS community is able to interact

because of YOU!

Member # 2

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Great job Seth. Keep up the good work. I think this is the best website ever for the Fire and Ems and police communities.

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Wow...5K...awesome bro. I'm still just above the mid 2K mark and that seems like a lot...but 5K wow.

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Way to go, Boss!


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Hey, look at it this way...Using your hands to type 5000 posts here keeps you from going blind somewhere else on the internet!!


Congrats Seth, and again, thank you for everything you do for us.


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Congrats, Seth. And thank you for all thehard work you do, though at times it appearss to not be appreciated by a select few....

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