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Man tries to punch Newburgh firefighters during rescue

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Yeah Bower! OK so that's an inside joke for some of my Newburgh brothers. Glad that the guy didn't connect with any of them. But from reading the article he can't be too smart.

1. He was outnumbered and just because your a firefighter doesn't mean you can't defend yourself.

2. He apparantly forgot one simple rule if you are a law breaker....shut the f*** up! Hmmm I have crack in my pocket, I think I'm a bad a** let me cause a scene in front of the po po so I get locked up.

Stupid people=job security!

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People can really be silly geese some times. Reminds me of the guy in Brooklyn last year that opened fire on the EMT as he approached to help him after an accident.

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As I read more and more, NEWBURGH sounds like such a dump. Hope they get paid enough to deal with that ELEMENT.

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As I read more and more, NEWBURGH sounds like such a dump. Hope they get paid enough to deal with that ELEMENT.

Newburgh gets a good amount of fire duty. Alot of vacant buildings, and it's an old city. Some areas are worse than Poughkeepsie if that's possible. They do not run an Ambulance and have good staffing on the Engines and Truck. A classic urban city.

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I've been out of the area for a little while, but I always thought that Newburgh actually had staffing issues, and unfortunately depended quite heavily on MA for the majority of working fires? If I recall, back then they had 2 and 1 staffed, with 1 chief on shift. Anyone know if that is still the same? (This is no dig on the hardworking, professional Brothers in Newburgh, just a question)

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Haha my brother was the medic on scene of that mva. Some of the junkie's 'boys' followed them to the hospital and started giving them s***. As for staffing, NFD runs 3 each on 2 engines and 3 on thier truck. Though recently they have been running 4, I guess it depends on the overtime and stuff. Mobile Life Support is the ambulance for the provider for the city. Happens to be where my brother and I work most of the time. You wouldn't believe the stuff we deal with.

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