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Illegal alien care from 1 Florida hospital

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I don't know about you, but that wall with electrified fence and barbed wire sounds real nice right about now.... Some of the things that go on in this country are rediculous. Good Hard working AMERICAN CITIZENS go years without proper health care, fighting to keep their heads above water and care for their families, and they get a blind eye turned to them. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS benefit from our tax dollars every day. I think its time time wake up and fly right here people! No more hand outs to single women with 10 kids from 10 different "baby daddies", no more paying people to sit on their behinds and live off our hard earned dollars, no more open arms to the rest of the world. PERIOD! If you want to be a citizen, then fine, i know quite a few people who went through the process, worked their butts off to get here, and earned the priviledge to stay and become an american, and that makes me proud to have them. The ones who skated in under the radar, I'll gladly show you the legitimate way to become an american, or I'll show you the door, and don't let it hit you on the way out!!

Ok, i'm done now....

Edited by EFFP411

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  EFFP411 said:
I don't know about you, but that wall with electrified fence and barbed wire sounds real nice right about now.... Some of the things that go on in this country are rediculous. Good Hard working AMERICAN CITIZENS go years without proper health care, fighting to keep their heads above water and care for their families, and they get a blind eye turned to them. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS benefit from our tax dollars every day. I think its time time wake up and fly right here people! No more hand outs to single women with 10 kids from 10 different "baby daddies", no more paying people to sit on their behinds and live off our hard earned dollars, no more open arms to the rest of the world. PERIOD! If you want to be a citizen, then fine, i know quite a few people who went through the process, worked their butts off to get here, and earned the priviledge to stay and become an american, and that makes me proud to have them. The ones who skated in under the radar, I'll gladly show you the legitimate way to become an american, or I'll show you the door, and don't let it hit you on the way out!!

Ok, i'm done now....

Could not have said ti any better myself.

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  Dondestro said:
Could not have said ti any better myself.

Neiher could I!!!!!!!!!

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Why do you think United Hospital closed? That's Westchester's little secret......

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I'm glad to see that i'm not the only one who feels this way. Thanks....

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