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Be Aware of Heat Stress

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Get ready for the heat!!!

The National Weather Service says a heat wave will develop Saturday and last through at least Monday. Forecasters say

temperatures could reach near 100 degrees, fueled by a Bermuda high. The humidity will also increase. The weather service says heat index values will easily make it into the upper 90s and possibly even reach 100 degrees or higher. The first heat wave of the season is expected to last into the early part of next week.

What are the types of dehydration?

Dehydration is classified as mild, moderate or severe based on how much of the body fluid is lost, estimated by loss in bodyweight. Mild dehydration is the loss of no more than 5 to 6 percent loss of body weight. Loss of 7 to 10 percent is considered moderate. Loss of over 10 percent in bodyweight is considered severe and requires immediate medical attention.

Know the signs and symptoms of heat stress.

You should know what to do in response to heat stress and be aware of major heat disorders including: Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps.

Watch out for symptoms of heat stress in co-workers.

Look for co-workers who: appear to have stopped sweating, are sweating very heavily, are disoriented or confused, appear unusually tired, or are expressing signs of feeling faint.

When you are working in a hot environment, listen to what your body is telling you. If you don’t feel well (nausea, dizzy, disoriented, dim or gray vision), STOP! Let someone know you may be having a problem.

Heat stroke is a life threatening condition that can occur when the body is unable to regulate its temperature or cool itself. An individual suffering from heat stroke may have skin that is hot and dry to the touch. Warning signs of heat stroke include: extremely high body temperature; red, hot and dry skin; rapid strong pulse; dizziness; nausea; confusion and unconsciousness. Immediate medical attention is required

Be safe out there.

Remember Drink Plenty of Fluids!

• Avoid drinks containing alcohol, sugar and caffeine. These drinks can increase dehydration.

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Hot Weather Alerts Updated for Today


The National Weather Service in Upton has issued a heat

advisory...which is in effect from 1 pm this afternoon to 7 pm

EDT this evening, and from 11 am to 7 pm EDT Monday.

A heat advisory is issued when high humidities are expected to

combine with hot temperatures to make it feel like it is 100 to 104 degrees.


The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has

issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for the following


York...Bronx... Westchester...Rockland.

This Heat Wave could run all the way to Wednesday

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Hydration should be done through out the day. Not just when you start having signs symptoms on a job.

Edited by x134

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Pre-hydration is the can't start a quart low and expect to catch up.

Avoid drinks containing alcohol, sugar and caffeine. These drinks can increase dehydration.

Funny enough there is a study out that says caffeine might not be as bad as they originally thought. But besides that keep in mind several pitfalls that persons fall into:

1. Vitamin water is crap its loaded with sugar, causes a fluid shift in order to get rid of the sugar, your kidneys have to use water from your body to urinate it out. Hence using more water then your replacing.

2. The same goes for gatorade and other sports drinks. Even the new G2 gatorade while it has less sugar still has the same amount of sodium content in it. Ever notice when you drink gatorade that you still feel thirsty no matter how cold it is? Its the sodium in it causes that on the back of your throat. Cut it at least in half with water, again the high electrolytes can cause a fluid shift, your body only will use so much of the glucose and electrolytes and has to get rid of them. The fluid shift occurs and your kidneys then need more fluid to urinate to get rid of it.

3. Energy drinks should be no no's at all times but especially in our business and during hot weather.

4. Decaffinated beverages like coffee and tea will make you urinate even more. The chemical they use to decaffinate them is a natural diuretic.

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