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Anyone Smoke?

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i quit smoking in june '07 and price was a factor and i think i was paying $5.50 or so per pack. well good luck to all who are or plan to quit, i know its a b****.

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I've tried before but with no luck. I think this will make me try a little harder this time around.

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I quit the day after this budget was announced. I have been good for 8 weeks and have 2 weeks left on the patch. Seems to work very good and I can breath so much better. I thought it was going to be the worst the I ever did, but I'll tell ya it has made me feel so much better, and I can sleep the whole night thru. Good Luck to all who are quiting!

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I bought what was hopefully my last pack on Monday and finished it this morning. I rarely go through a whole pack on my 3 off days and seem to smoke at work because it was something to do. When I go to the races with my dad, I go 5 days without smoking and it doesn't seem to bother me (and I'm drinking then, which usually increases my smoking). We'll see how the first smoke-free night goes at work tonight. No patches, no nicotine gum, no nothin'. Just plain old chewing gum.

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Good luck to those of you who try, and congratulations to those who do manage to quit, will definitely feel better in the long run.

But It ain't easy. I know... +7 yrs smoke-free.

Consider: if you smoke just one pack a day, @ $8.00/pack, you can expect to save close to $3,000.00 a year!!!

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I dont want to preach but I quit smoking New Years Eve 1989 and have not smoked since. I can honeslty tell you it was one of the best decisions I had ever made. My doctor prescribed me a gum called Nicorette which is now available over the counter. Trust me just quit and think how it will impact your health as well as your wallet. Good luck to all who are trying.

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You know, i have been considering quitting, but the fact still remains that i enjoy smoking, its not just a habit. Its something to do when I'm bored, when I'm busy, i dont do it. I still Particularly enjoy smoking, and it annoys me that it's one of the few items that gets pounded with taxes 10 times more than anything else....

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You know, i have been considering quitting, but the fact still remains that i enjoy smoking, its not just a habit. Its something to do when I'm bored, when I'm busy, i dont do it. I still Particularly enjoy smoking, and it annoys me that it's one of the few items that gets pounded with taxes 10 times more than anything else....

Well then it sounds like its a good time to stop, eh Rob?

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Well then it sounds like its a good time to stop, eh Rob?

Hey! No comments from the peanut gallery over there....

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You know, i have been considering quitting, but the fact still remains that i enjoy smoking, its not just a habit. Its something to do when I'm bored, when I'm busy, i dont do it. I still Particularly enjoy smoking, and it annoys me that it's one of the few items that gets pounded with taxes 10 times more than anything else....

I feel the same way! I want to stop but I enjoy it way to much but I think it's time to throw in the towel.

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I quit about 10 years ago after what seems like a lifetime of smoking, both on and off the job, had an aluminum case in my turnout coat to keep my cigs dry so I could lite up when things got under control. All you have to do is read ALL the research on the down side of smoking or chewing and it can scare the s*** out of you! Economics and all anyone ,FF,EMS or PD, needs to quit fooling themselves IT IS A BAD HABIT!!! And if you thik about it, do you really enjoy it?

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