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Fuel Costs And Your Department's Budget

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I'm just curious how rising fuel prices, including the astronomical diesel price, is affecting your department's budget?

Does you department have to steal from other areas of the budget?

Are driving out of district to non-essential functions, such as parades, "conventions" or wetdowns, limited? Are the use of Chief and other take home vehicles restricted? Is training on apparatus limited to conserve fuel?

Is your department getting an increase in the budget to compensate for fuel costs, which would probaly eventually turn into a tax increase? Or do you just pump it into the tank and not care?

If you work for a commercial ambulance company, are systems that use SSM looking at more fuel efficient ways to cover their areas?

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Im pretty sure FD's and PD's get a special rate for gasoline that is still in the low 3's per gallon, most agencies that have their own pumps are not paying what you see at gas stations.

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The last time I asked the Town Highway Superintendent how much State Bid gasoline was (as we get gas from the Town), it was $0.80 cheaper a gallon than the gas stations down the road.

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The last time I asked the Town Highway Superintendent how much State Bid gasoline was (as we get gas from the Town), it was $0.80 cheaper a gallon than the gas stations down the road.

And the oil companies are not price gouging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And the oil companies are not price gouging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, that gas is probably tax free, and when you buy it by the tanker-convoy instead of just by the tanker load, you end up saving quite a bit of money. Its the big oil companies, not the refiners and especially not the gas stations. We hate the high gas prices more than the consumers, trust me.

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Is training on apparatus limited to conserve fuel?

I know gas prices are crazy these days and only getting worse by the day but I hope depts aren't cutting back on apparatus training because of it. We all need as much training as possible.

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My dept buys from a gas station and the only thing they do is remove the tax. Station owners only make 10 - 15 cents per gallon if that.

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