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Los Angeles, CA-Major Emergency Structure Fire Universal Studios

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In one report when they gave the Depts at the fire they said the Universal Studios fire Dept. Do they have an FD are they a part of LA County FD? I remeber seeing them when I took the tour.

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In one report when they gave the Depts at the fire they said the Universal Studios fire Dept. Do they have an FD are they a part of LA County FD? I remeber seeing them when I took the tour.

It's LA County Station 51. Universal has the contract wth County. Engine 51 cannot leave the Studio grounds but Squad 51 can, if I remember correctly.

Sounds like it was LACo, LAFD, Burbank, Arcadia, West Covina, and that's about all I got from listening to the radio traffic this morning. I can tell you it's LACo 51,7,8. Engine, Turck and Chief from Burbank, and a Task Force and BC from LAFD right off the bat.

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Really devastating fire. It's really lucky no one was seriously hurt. Started on "New York Street", and at one point the fire was 2 city blocks large.

Due to low water pressure, there was drafting operations from nearby lakes and ponds, as well as relay pumping and helicopter water drops.

The media is reporting that several movie sets were destroyed, including the set of "Back To The Future". Also, thousands of film reels, of everything Universal's ever shot, including "I Love Lucy", "Miami Vice", and ironically, "Emergency", were destroyed. Thankfully though, they reportedly had backups, and it's reported that firefighters were able to save thousands of reels.

The MTV Movie Awards, which are being held at the Gibson Theater tonight, will go on.

Also, this isn't the first devastating fire at Universal. From the AP wire:

A major fire erupted at Universal Studios in November 1990, destroying sets for several TV and movie productions, including "Dick Tracy" and "The Sting" and causing $25 million in damage. A security guard was sentenced to four years in prison after pleading guilty to starting the blaze

You'd think after the first fire that they'd have their fire protection system nailed down. I'm interested to see what the investigation reveals.

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Does any one know if the fire is out yet?

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From what I read on, the fire started at 4:45 AM PT or 7:45 AM ET and was contained by 9 AM PT or 12 PM ET. Hope that helps. Was anyone on here, thier? Or know someone that was thier? Or have pictures?


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