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Another Blackeye....For the Fire Service

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Teen firefighter faces arson charge


Article Last Updated: 05/31/2008 12:03:35 AM EDT

ANSONIA — City firefighters were stunned Friday after a newly sworn volunteer for the Webster Hose Fire Co. was arrested and charged with setting a Martin Terrace home on fire last month.

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Edited by jack10562
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Francione indicated that he started the fire because "there hadn't been one lately." :blink:

That Great!!!!!!!!!

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Well he should be happy to know that "Friday night lights" and "Ladder 49" are probably still available to watch in the state prison system. Maybe he will also like "The longest yard" since he won't be playing on the varsity team this fall.

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I'm a member of the Ansonia Fire Department and know the person who was arrested very well (also he is not from my company). This is a very sensitive situation as we now have received a black eye. The fire in question was not far from my home and was suspicious from the get go. He's been arrested and is on $500,000 bond as the police report indicated. This has really hurt our department but even though all the evidence is pointing to him, we have to let the court system do ther duty.

Hopefully my department as a whole can get through this bad situation. It just sucks.

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Stories like these always stir up negative publicity for the involved department, but everyone must keep in mind, there is absolutely NO WAY anyone can screen prospective (and existing) members for this type of behavior.

No Way.

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The Department does not deserve discredit for one hammer head. If we all put our heads together, I am sure most of the Departments out there have had a black eye or two in their history.

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That sucks! Not I only do I feel for the department, but I also feel for this kid. He obviously has some issues to deal with and hopefully he will never do this again. He will never be a firefighter and community representative again which is deserved. But I hope friends and family dont turn that back on this kid, he is only 18 and still has his whole life ahead of him. Hopefully he will get what justice he deserves, but hopefully he also can change his life when he is done serving his time and start fresh. I know I am going to get hammered for my comments here, but I am sorry that I believe everyne deserves a second chance. I am also glad to see that the department has this kids family in their prayers and that they did not just turn their back on him. After all this is a brother hood and if your brother did something like this, yes you would be angry and upset but you would still be there to help him. Sorry for my comments but it is onlymy opinion and can respect if any or all of you disagree.

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  GoDucks23 said:
After all this is a brother hood and if your brother did something like this, yes you would be angry and upset but you would still be there to help him.

My brother would never be an arsonist. Any "brother" who brings such discredit to this service is and never was my "brother".

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I really wish I could say I am shocked, but I am not. At least he doesn't have the distinction of being the first FF from the Valley to be charged with a crime like this.

Whether you can screen for this or not. This just reminds me yet again that maybe an age limit should be in place for the Fire Service. I know anyone any age can set a fire, but the reality is that an older FF with more to lose "in life" would be less prone to do something like that.

Just my opinion. I could be wrong, but I am entitled to think how I like.

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So what you are saying is if for some reason your brother did do something like this, whether he was blood or not you would turn your back on him?

I find that hard to believe. I am not defending what this kid did by any means, all I am saying is that this kids life is changed forever and hopefully he can rehabilitate hiimself and have a good life. And that I just hoped people would not just kick this kid to the curb and say he is now a lost cause. And though some of you I am sure think I am an idiot, my opinion is what it is and I believe that the Ansonia Fire Department will get through this and everyone in the longrun will get through this and go on to lead full filling lives.

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  GoDucks23 said:
So what you are saying is if for some reason your brother did do something like this, whether he was blood or not you would turn your back on him?

I find that hard to believe. I am not defending what this kid did by any means, all I am saying is that this kids life is changed forever and hopefully he can rehabilitate hiimself and have a good life. And that I just hoped people would not just kick this kid to the curb and say he is now a lost cause. And though some of you I am sure think I am an idiot, my opinion is what it is and I believe that the Ansonia Fire Department will get through this and everyone in the long run will get through this and go on to lead full filling lives.

Would your opinion still be the same had he gotten someone killed or injured? It's all well and good if he has his family and friends backing, but if he were on my dept. I'd never want to see his face again. Kudos to you and your compassion, but had you responded to that fire and gotten permanently hurt. Well.....I seriously think your tone would be different. These FF's that set fires to "Get Action" are a cancer to society, and are no better than any other criminal arsonist. How shallow they must be to actually take pride in putting out a "fake" fire.

I can only pray that this is the last I will ever here of FF's setting blazes for the glory, but it probably isn't.

Edited by FyrFytr998

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  FyrFytr998 said:
Would your opinion still be the same had he gotten someone killed or injured? It's all well and good if he has his family and friends backing, but if he were on my dept. I'd never want to see his face again. Kudos to you and your compassion, but had you responded to that fire and gotten permanently hurt. Well.....I seriously think your tone would be different. These FF's that set fires to "Get Action" are a cancer to society, and are no better than any other criminal arsonist. How shallow they must be to actually take pride in putting out a "fake" fire.

I can only pray that this is the last I will ever here of FF's setting blazes for the glory, but it probably isn't.

Well said.

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I think this kid is sick in the head and need help thank god that no one got hurt or killed

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  mikelouf2 said:
I think this kid is sick in the head and need help thank god that no one got hurt or killed

I second that!

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