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PTSD causes FF/Medic to be fired

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Interesting article. What does everyone think about this?

PTSD causes FF/Medic to be fired

Posted on Wednesday, May 14 @ 16:06:19 PDT

UNIVERSITY PARK ¯ A former firefighter-paramedic is suing University Park, claiming the city fired him because of his disability.

Jason Salisbury said the department let him go after a doctor diagnosed him with post traumatic stress disorder. He said he filed the lawsuit in the hopes of getting his job back.

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Interesting article. What does everyone think about this?

A most unfortunate situation. I would assume the union did all they could under their collective bargaining agreement.

Hopefully he'll be able to find employment in a fire department where medical skills are not a condition of employment.

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Suffice to say at times, governement entities have decisions made by people that disregard the law, collective bargaining agreements and employees civil rights. The problem is that the only remedy is found in civil court. Whether it be state or federal. And whatever the outcome, it doesn't matter to the person whom made the decision. They aren't paying out of pocket to violate a person's rights and destroy their lives. Its tax payer money. In cases where the civil charges are shown and proven to be malicous criminal charges should be applied. Then and only then will these pos think twice.

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