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Fort Lee NJ FD Staffing

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Is the Fort Lee, NJ Fire Department, 100% Volunteer or do they have some paid guys ????????

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FLFD Truck 1,

I Like the G.W.B on the ladder!!!

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I drive through Fort Lee every morning on my way to my office, and it appears that they are largely volunteer. HOWEVER I do see a the same Tahoe and one other car parked in one of their Station parking lot on many mornings and I believe there's a union sticker in the window of it... so they may have a few career guys.

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Fort Lee FD is all Volunteers but receive quarterly stipen checks like most of us Bergen county departments.

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if they recieve a check for there work that makes them a paid department or as some people call it paid on call/paid per call dept. so they are not volunteer. though many people would probably disagree

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I think most NJ Fire Departments, with the exception of the bigger ones in the urbanized areas (Newark, Elizabeth, Union, etc.), are volunteer.

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well if you reciebe a stipend no matter how small you are not volunteeer. you are paid

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I guess technically firedawg is right... but I always consider paid to be "payroll" style (as in $xx an hour...) I feel fort lee is just "an incentive" - i'm aware of many fire (and ems) agencies in that area that do this. quite an idea.

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Thats why if you are paid(no matter what the amount) you are not a volunteer. Yes you may want to be though. The amount you recieve may be so minute that you can only cover your gas bill for the callls you ran. You stilll are a paid fireman. you collect money for it. At the end of the year you have to file that amount you receive with your taxes. It is taxable income. Yes it easy enough to write off. that shouldnn't be a problem.

You just are not a career fireman. unless you run enough calls to cover your bills.

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hey dawg, I disagree most volunteers do get money throughout the counrty and as close as greenwich ct. the term paid fireman is just poor terminology. the term should be career and volunteer , both are noble. peace

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NJ Fire and EMS Depts receive a yearly stipend for a uniform allowance; they also receive points toward a pension (LOSAP - Length Of Service Award Pension) which is vested after 7 years of service. Although we receive stipends and accrue LOSAP points we are not paid. Paid fire depts in NJ are paid at a rate of x dollars per hour, as MikeInet said.

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I understand what you are saying. though if someone recieves a chack for there services this is considered paid. yes voluntter and career are the terms and good terms to use. but if you receive financial compensation for your sevices no matter the amount you are a paid fireifghter. even though it mat be a small amount. and yes you do have to claim this at the end of the year. paid per call is probably the best term I have heard

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Without giving away a figure, is the amount per alarm a standard throughout NJ..or is it up to each County or even Department on what the figure is. On Long Island most Departments have a LOSAP program, my Department you can collect at age 55, but I would prefer a system with a check every few months.

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either way you can call it career if you work full time with a normal pay benefits etc,civil service,volunteer if you donn't recieve a paycheck/compensation. or paid on call/per call if you get a stipend

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