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Yorktown -Multi-Alarm Brush Fire 04-16-08

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Time: 1400hrs

Location: Turkey Mountain on the North West Hill

Frequency: 46.26 Fire 17

Units Operating: Yorktown Car 2531, E-273, MA-8; Yorktown VAC 86B1; Somers MA 14; Millwood 2253, U 44 MA14; WC B-17, CC2; WCPD Air 2

Description: Large area of brush.

Writer: EMSjunkie712, x648eng119, Truck4

1400hrs- Multiple calls for smoke in the area.

1415hrs- Car 2531 on scene rpts large area brush on Turkey Mountian off Route 118. Req. re-tone for manpower. Attempting to determine best access.

1529hrs- MA-9 to scene with manpower. Op's on Fireground 7.

1541hrs- MA-14 enroute to scene

1600hrs- WCPD Aviation on the ground setting up bambi bucket op's.

1615hrs- M/A Katonah for Mini-Attack to scene. Req. Mahopac to cover Somers. CMD rpts heavy fire movement on the southwest side with increasing winds. WCPD making water drops.

1627hrs- M/A Continental Village to scene with manpower.

1630hrs- Croton/Buchan/Montrose to scene with manpower. Req'd to come in by bus.

1645hrs- Conditions unchanged. WCPD contine to make air drops.

1655hrs- CMD advising operations divided into (2) divisions.

Division 1- Route 118- Command Post

Division 2- 809 Underhill Ave (Operations)

Continental Village is at the Command Post. Tri-Villages to respond into Division 1.

1737hrs- Air Op's on Fireground 6 ATT.

1750hrs- CMD rpts fire is under control. Co's working numerous hot spots.

Edited by Truck4

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