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Arc-15 / Laptop computers

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I use Arc-15 on my laptop all day (vehicle set-up).

I close the laptop many,many,many times during the day (this in turn puts the computer in "sleep" mode)

Here's the problem.......... If you have VITUAL CONTROL ON when you enter sleep mode, the arc-15 program crashes & even if re-started it can NOT find the BCT-15 (unless you shut the computer off & restart windows & then restart arc-15 again.

Simple solution - Turn Virtual control OFF before sleep mode (I know)

Are their any computer people here, who know how to add a command line (or something similar) to shut virtual control BEFORE computer enters sleep mode?

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This might be a stupid question. But do you need the computer to sleep every time you close it? If not, that is also something you can disable.

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This might be a stupid question. But do you need the computer to sleep every time you close it? If not, that is also something you can disable.

I would be careful not sleeping a laptop when you close it. Many laptops are designed to let off heat counting on the lid being open; if you close the lid and keep it running, you can have some serious heat issues arise (including cooking your display, overheating your processor, hard drive, etc).

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I use Arc-15 on my laptop all day (vehicle set-up).

I close the laptop many,many,many times during the day (this in turn puts the computer in "sleep" mode)

Here's the problem.......... If you have VITUAL CONTROL ON when you enter sleep mode, the arc-15 program crashes & even if re-started it can NOT find the BCT-15 (unless you shut the computer off & restart windows & then restart arc-15 again.

Simple solution - Turn Virtual control OFF before sleep mode (I know)

Are their any computer people here, who know how to add a command line (or something similar) to shut virtual control BEFORE computer enters sleep mode?

Is 'virtual control' a Windows Service??? If it is, then you can certainly stop it via the command line... You can also program MOST laptops to run pre and post sleep scripts to do just what you are looking at doing.

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I believe Arc-15 with Virtual control is just a regular program that runs on windows,

I don't think it's a "windows service", atleast I can't find any reference to it in SERVICES.

I was hoping I could add a line somewhere (ex..... close vitual control.exe ) BEFORE the computer goes into sleep mode

I know it's more of a computer question, than scanner/communications one. Just figured maybe someone else had it installed in a laptop........


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