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Cops get tricked!

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Teen Tweaks Police With Root Beer Kegger. No-Alcohol Party Makes Point About Suspensions

POSTED: 9:54 am EDT March 29, 2008

WAUSAU, Wis. -- Cars lining the street. A house full of young people. A keg. Drinking games.

Police spotted what they thought was an underage drinking party and made dozens of teens take a breathalyzer test. None tested positive for alcohol.

This was a root-beer kegger hosted by a high school student who wanted to show that teens don't always drink alcohol at their parties.

It has gained fame on the Internet site YouTube, where thousands have watched a five-minute video of police testing the teens.

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press.

.... And the YouTube vid to go with it.


MODERATOR NOTE: AP link unavailable. The following is another link to a local news report:

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This is classic.

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This is just goes to show that not everything is as it seems.

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That is argueably the funniest thing I've read in awhile. Talk about egg on your face.

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That is very funny.

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While I can certainly see the humor in it - to an extent - I do have some concerns about the whole thing.

How did the police get called? Was it by the aspiring film makers themselves? Did they (falsely) report a keg party to facilitate the making of this "movie"?

Whose house was it? Did anyone (party-goers or cops) call any parents to pick up their little cherubs? Where were the owners (parents) of the house?

Why is it so funny that the police tested everyone to be sure that there was no alcohol involved? Isn't that the responsible thing to do?

Do you really think that the next or last keg party they threw was root beer again? Ironically, the person singled out in this video "Dustin" has a starring role in another

with a Heineken keg.

Had these kids placed a theatrical smoke generator in the attic resulting in smoke pouring out of the eaves when you pulled up to a "fire call" would it still be as amusing?

I think the intent was to make the police look bad by "fooling" them. What a colossal waste of time and resources - the police couldn't just leave on the say so of these high schoolers that it was just root beer. It also makes me wonder how many run-ins they had with the police during alcohol keg parties.

It really concerns me that this group has such little respect for emergency services, in this case the police. What are they going to be like in ten years or worse yet when they become parents themselves.

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How about another angle, maybe the cops were in on it. Just a though.

I do see where Chris' concern is with the joke though.

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I found absolutely nothing amusing about this. A complete waste of time and police resources because someone wanted to try and make the police look bad. Its not egg in anyones face, it just goes to show what society has come to. Shame on them and thier parents. I thought this website was to support and better the emergency services, not mock them! The joke is on all of us!

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  Chris192 said:
While I can certainly see the humor in it - to an extent - I do have some concerns about the whole thing.

How did the police get called? Was it by the aspiring film makers themselves? Did they (falsely) report a keg party to facilitate the making of this "movie"?

Whose house was it? Did anyone (party-goers or cops) call any parents to pick up their little cherubs? Where were the owners (parents) of the house?

Why is it so funny that the police tested everyone to be sure that there was no alcohol involved? Isn't that the responsible thing to do?

Do you really think that the next or last keg party they threw was root beer again? Ironically, the person singled out in this video "Dustin" has a starring role in another

with a Heineken keg.

Had these kids placed a theatrical smoke generator in the attic resulting in smoke pouring out of the eaves when you pulled up to a "fire call" would it still be as amusing?

I think the intent was to make the police look bad by "fooling" them. What a colossal waste of time and resources - the police couldn't just leave on the say so of these high schoolers that it was just root beer. It also makes me wonder how many run-ins they had with the police during alcohol keg parties.

It really concerns me that this group has such little respect for emergency services, in this case the police. What are they going to be like in ten years or worse yet when they become parents themselves.

For the first time in my emtbravo existence I have to agree 100% with a law enforcement officer. This was a total waste of time and resources.

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It almost looks like the Cop is laughing and playing along with it!

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  lad12derff said:
For the first time in my emtbravo existence I have to agree 100% with a law enforcement officer. This was a total waste of time and resources.

I'm writing that down!!! Oh wait, it's an April fool gag!!! :P

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Sorry, playing devil's advocate for a bit here...

Under what conditions, aside from the obvious DWI/DUI, can a LEO make a person submit to a breathalizer?

I think that an underage person's blood alcohol level is reather inconsequential in a court of law. There's no law against having alcohol in your bloodstream under the age of 21... it's just illegal to possess, purchase, consume etc. For example, the medical treament for poisoning from a chemical commonly found in anti-freeze is the administration of IV ethanol. Or for instance you could have just returned from a bender outside of the coutry, where it's perfectly legal for an 18 year old to float thier liver...

The burden of proof would be upon the state that the individual illegally consumed, possesed, purchased, etc. So really, the only "testing" neccesary would be on a sample of the alleged alcoholic beverage. And my recommendation for such would certainly be a taste test by the investigating officers. :P

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Sounds like these kids need a swift a**-kicking!!!

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