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Photo of Charleston FD at car fire creates controversy

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Interesting story in the Charleston Post & Courier which seems pretty well written. The photographer snapped a shot showing 2 FF's at the car fire without packs (and one with). The good thing is that the Chief and Safety Officer are talking seriously about safety. I know there are some here that disagree with the need to wear SCBA at car fires and prefers boots to bunkers but there are more and more LODD's being attributed to fire byproducts. It's a different world out there now. Hey, let's be careful out there as Sgt. Esterhaus would say :)

The Charleston Fire Department has launched an internal investigation into apparent safety lapses after firefighters responding to a potentially toxic car fire failed to wear full protective gear, including new air tanks the city recently purchased for nearly $1 million.

While department leaders moved quickly Wednesday to find out why procedures were not followed, Tuesday's incident has some questioning the department's commitment to safety improvements recommended in the wake of the Sofa Super Store fire.

Safety Officer Kleskie said:

the department policy is that firefighters must wear air packs at all fire-related emergencies. "I'm very concerned about it."

Kleskie said he will conduct the investigation and submit a report to Thomas and the city's human resources department, and it will be up to them to decide what, if any, disciplinary measures to take. "We are going to have a full investigation and will take care of the problem."

Gordon Routley, who heads a panel of firefighting consultants recommending ways to improve the department, said Wednesday that the lack of full protective gear was "disappointing." Smoke and soot from car fires can be toxic because the burning plastics, paint, fuel and other liquids spew dangerous chemicals and by-products into the air, he said.

Still, Routley said he doesn't believe it reflects the department's overall attitude toward change. "It concerns me when I see firefighters exposed to products of combustion. It doesn't surprise me that within an organization of 250 people that some may not have gotten the message. Some guys get it the first day. Some guys, it takes a little longer."

Routley said it will take time for firefighters, particularly the older ones, to unlearn old habits. "I think the Charleston Fire Department is going through that transition. It's unrealistic to expect instant change."


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I can't get the link to work but was it the press that snapped the pic and put it in the paper? Was that the reason for the investigation? If so it goes to show you that someone is ALWAYS watching!

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Link should work.... A staff photographer captured the image and a former Charleston firefighter decided to take the FD to task over seeing the crew not wearing their PPE, AFTER all, they just spent nearly a million bucks on equipment, AND, there is a dept policy....

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From the secret list:


In a response to actions demonstrating (and a photo showing) failure of self discipline, failure to follow policy and simply not "getting it" by at least 1 Officer and FF, the Charleston (S.C.) FD has suspended a Fire Captain for failure to wear his SCBA at a car fire. The event was made public after a photo of the crew operating that way at a car fire was printed in the newspaper. The captain was given a 2 week suspension without pay a 2nd Firefighter will receive a written warning. Both violated a department policy that requires firefighters wear and use all their protective gear, including SCBA, at all related emergencies. We will post additional info and the entire article from the Post & Courier on our home page.

Sometimes this stuff is simple. One way to look at it is by using RED, YELLOW and WHITE or GREEN policy guidelines. (Here are examples: )

If you violate a RED policy, you could hurt or kill someone...or yourself. So just don't do it. If you choose (it's a choice) to violate a RED policy, you will be suspended or perhaps even lose your job. What's the result of not following and respecting FD health, safety and survival polices? will hurt you or those whose pictures are in your wallet, in your locker or on your desk. Another way of looking at it is if a FD has policies, policies specifically related to safety, health and survival...just follow them. Just shut up, quit whining and just do what is expected. And if you are an Officer, just enforce them. Concerned your FF's won't like you/us for doing your job? They probably don't like you/us anyway. That's irrelevant. The whole "choosing" to enforce or follow safety, health and survival policies is lame. It's not a choice. It's what is expected at all levels...firefighters, officers and family members.

Additional information related to not wearing SCBA's at a car-or any type of fire:

Looks like there is a real desire to change for the better.

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There has been an ongoing battle with the ffs and their chief ever since before the nine LODDs the department suffered last year at the warehouse fire. Its been an ongoing battle and widely publicized.

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Great topic. With all the new chemicals and, as stated above, byproducts of these fires we should be wearing breathing apparatus during these incidents. Especially with the unknown contents of the vehicle that could include propane tanks, portable meth labs, etc.

We should also wear them until the completion of salvage and overhaul, due to the high levels of the byproducts of combustion, which rarely happens. It is a good point that someone is always watching and god forbid if something went wrong during this particular incident you know the municipalities lawyer would have a great time screwing someone out of their benefits.

I know I am guilty of having my air pack on my back but not actually going on air during car fires or salvage and overhaul. We now have a new policy in place that our safety officer meters a building to ensure that members are operating at safe levels during salvage and overhaul.

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