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Putnam County hiring freeze and layoffs

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Putnum County Layoffs , does this effect Emergency Services also? They are not mentioned in the article. Also is Putmum really hurting that bad? My sister in law lives in Lake Carmel and she receivied a notice from the school dist. that they are looking into or are going to eleminate the school bus service and pay the public 50 cents per mile to transport their children to school. I was also told that Putnum has a 75% foreclosure rate, is that possible?

If this is true hang tough brothers and sisters of Putnum, I wish you all well and good luck, hang tough

Edited by calhobs

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Putnum County Layoffs , does this effect Emergency Servies also? They are not mentioned in the article. Also is Putmum really hurting that bad? My sister in law lives in Lake Carmel and she recivied a notice from the school dist. that they are looking into or are going to eleminate the school bus service and pay the public 50 cents per mile to transport there children to school. I wasalso told that Putnum has a 75% foreclousre rate, is that possible?

If this is true hang tough brothers and sisters of Putnum, I wish you all well and good luck, hang tough

The Sheriff's Office is really the only 24 hour emergency service that the County operates with any meat in its budget. The Bureau of Emergency Services has a handful of full-time people and is augmented by volunteer coordinators - this of course does not include the Putnam 911 Center but they receive money from telephone surcharges so they too will hopefully escape this axe.

As a longtime resident of Putnam County, I can say without hesitation that threats of another 20+ percent tax increase will only push me closer to calling for a TEA PARTY on FAIR STREET! We get no services now so I can't possibly imagine what else there is too cut - except perhaps the bloated County Executive's Office staff!

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Wow 20% increase in taxes next year. Chris you would be a great leader for the Putnum County Tea Party and I am sure you will have many followers if this increase does happen.

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