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Delivery Begins On FDNY's New Haz-Tac Ambulances

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From a friend, as well as information seen on two other forums, FDNY has begun taking delivery of the new "Haz-Tac" ambulances.

From what I can remember, I think it looked like a regular FDNY ambulance, with a large, module style compartment between the cab and box, as well as additonal compartments.

Can anyone confirm, or does anyone have photos yet? Also, someone had mentioned they are on the heavier-duty Ford F-450 chasis?

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They've been delivered in some form or another since October. After some significant issues were found they were sent back to the dealer and have again returned to Maspeth. If they are found be acceptable this time then we'll get em on the streets one of these days. Along with the new HazTac and Rescue buses we're getting the newest generation of war wagons.

The new haztac and rescue buses are 450 chassis with requisite airbag suspension to facilitate loading height compliance. The biggest difference as Seth has pointed out is the new through the box compartment immediately behind the cab. I believe its a 30" compartment that now cuts off the box from the cab. The rumor is there is an intercom now between the front and back. The extra compartment has also necessitated a longer wheel base and should give them a turning radius approaching a Seagrave. With Fords stunning history of electrical ingenuity and our fleets history of electrical problems I cringe with each added electrical feature. The airbag suspension will also be an interesting try. Hopefully it holds up.

On the upside the new buses will be interesting to see. The new Ford Diesels are allegedly much improved with more power, improved reliability and maybe even a few less electrical gremlins.

For photos, you're best bet is Maspeth, Queens.

Edited by ny10570

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