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What Is This Whelen Speaker?

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Now, I noticed this Engine already has a electronic siren speaker, so what that deal with the one mounted on the bumper? Is it intended to make the fake "Electronic Q Mechanical Siren" sound even more fake????


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That it the Electronic Q speaker designed by Whelen a few years ago.

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Those things are ridculous.

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This makes me think about the village FD up here in my area that has an electronic fire whistle! The first time I heard it go off, it took me a minute to even realize what it was. As it winds down for the last time, all of the sudden it just shuts off. This is the same effect you get with these electronic "imitation" Q's. There is simply no substitute for the distinctive whine of a Federal Q on a firetruck or fire engine as it goes roaring by on the way to a job.

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The federal Q is the king of all Mechanical sirens. The Whelen mechanical is pure waste of money putting those things on a fire truck

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That speaker is an Excutor (sp) and it was the orignal speaker supplied with the "Q" siren from Whelen.

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im trying to look for an ambulance Q. some people think its s dumb idea, but i want to to bring back a traditional look to the ambulance, after all that is a primary reason why they are still on fire apperatus. anyone know any copmanies that sell them for ambulances??

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im trying to look for an ambulance Q. some people think its s dumb idea, but i want to to bring back a traditional look to the ambulance, after all that is a primary reason why they are still on fire apperatus. anyone know any copmanies that sell them for ambulances??

Here is an article on sirens/lights/standards. At the end of the article is a list of different manufacturers, and their websites. Unfortunately they must copied and pasted to work. Some links may not work.

Timberwolf sirens may provide what you are looking for.

Edited by grumpyff

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