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Guest BFD196

Stratford(Fairfield)-Working Fire-3/21/08

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Date: 3/21/08

Time: 09:21

Location: 33 Colony Street

Frequency: 154.3100

Units Operating: E1, E2, E5, E3, L1, Car 3, Car2, Car 1, Car 5, Stratford EMS 804, 800(Supervisor), 809, 806

Description Of Incident: Reported as a possible structure fire. While enroute dispatch states they have recieved approx 20 911 calls reporting a house fire.

Writer: BFD196

925: E3 added per Car 3 based on multiple calls, and visible smoke while enroute.

925: Per C3 heavy black smoke visible, start structure fire protocol...Car 1 enroute

926: Unit arriving reports 2 story wood fully involved, heavy fire in the front of the structure. Car 3 assuming command, reporting that all occupants are out.

927: E5 laying to the ladder

933: Car 1 assuming 3 has 2 enroute

934: E1 crew backing out of the building, had started an interior attack with an 1 3/4 line

936: UI, Fire Marshal, Building inspector enroute. Command reports operations have switched to an exterior attack.

957: FM1 arriving, ladder pipe in operation.

1003: EMS 809 enroute

1004: Per command shut down all exterior interior attack.

1006: FM2 arriving....charging 1 3/4 for interior attack, getting backup line in place, 809 arriving.

1025: Command requests Bridgeport ladder to stand by in Stratford

1033: Bridgeport L6 enroute to Stratford Fire HQ.

1057: Interior crew reports fire in the wall...B side interior.

1058: One FF with a hand injury...coming down to meet EMS.

1112: Command requests Red Cross Canteen. Car 1 passing command to Car 2...

Edited by BFD196

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