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Guest BFD196

Stratford(Fairfield)-Working Fire 3/16/2008

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Date: 3/18/08

Time: 1535

Location: 85 Ruby Lane

Frequency: 154.3100

Units Operating: E2, E1, E5, E4, L1, Car 3, Car 1, Car 5, Stratford EMS 807 and 802, AMR 7119

Description Of Incident: Working structure fire 2 story wood frame cape. E2 first to arrive reports heavy smoke and fire from the attic.

Writer: BFD196

1543: Command reports one dog in the basement, no occupants. Backup line being stretched. Command report to interior states majority of fire from B side of structure.

1546: Primary search underway, engine 2 calling for hydrant to be charged.

1549: Milford E4 in Stratford to cover. Stratford E4 assigned RIT. Command reports fire running entire ridge of the attic, informs interior crews to start opening the ceilings.

1555: Command requests ETA for fire marshal...FM 3 enroute.

1610: Fire knocked down, hitting hot spots. Command releasing Engine 4 at this time.

1624: Milford returning to their town

1637: Companies continuing to open up the roof and area around the chimney.

Edited by BFD196

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