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Custom Chassis vs Commercial Chassis

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What are some ideas about custom chassis vs. commercial chassis? I personally like custom chassis's over commercial. Mohegan has 3 commercial chassis rigs and 6 custom chassis's. Out of the custom chassis's, I like the Spartan chassis the best.

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Their are pros and cons to both to both of them. A custom chassis you pay more for and a commerical chassis is cheap. It all depands on what your department want and your department can afford personal i have riden in both and i like them the same.

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custom chassis is the way to get what you pay for. commercial chassis werent designed with the fire service in mind, and have been "adapted" and "bastardized" to fit the fire service. you may be lucky enough to have one that works out, but in my opinion, the safer and more reliable option is the custom chassis.

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I agree with DG795's opinion :)

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I have to agree as well with DG795... commericial chassis are fine if that is what you can afford, but seriously, fire apparatus custom chassis are held to the highest level of standards.....they are built specifically for this job..... I prefer custom...... the only way I could see a commercial chassis is for a smaller 4wd go anywhere truck, like a mini-attack..... Custom chassis are more expensive, but you look around and see how many custom chassis fire trucks are still in service after say 25 years, and compare that with the number of commercial fire trucks the same age that are still in service..... You do pay more, and in the end you get more..... not to mention better turning radius' and better visability....both of which I think you would want in an emergency vehical.

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yes it does depend on what u can afford. but also take into consideration where it is going to be used and how many miles are going to be put on it.

there are commercials that are made specificlly for firefighting if uare gonna run up 40k miles in 2 or 2.5 yrs on a pumper why spend the big bucks on a custom go commercial especially if you run in rual area even if its onlly partial. why tear that custom up when the commercials are mad for that type of enviroment

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