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Date code on Motorola Battery -Question

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How do you read the date code printed on Motorola portable radio batteries.?

I just want to see how OLD one is.

Thank you .

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There is a three digit code on the battery's label. The first digit is the last digit of the year that the battery was made, and the last two digits are the week of the year. For example, "523" would denote a battery made in the twenty-third week of 2005. It could, however, also denote a battery made in 1995, 1985, etc. The assumption is that increments of 10 years will be self-evident.

Also, the date code does not denote the actual date that the pack was assembled. Motorola usually post-dates them, sometimes by up to several months. This is to ensure that the end user receives the full warranty coverage, and that the warranty clock is not running while the battery is sitting in a warehouse awaiting retail sale. As a result, it is not unusual to get a pack that supposedly has not been made yet. It just means you get extra time on the warranty for free.

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Perfect ! Thank You very much ! :D I understand

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No problem. BTW- That is the system for two-way radio batteries. Cell phones, etc. are a completely different animal.

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