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Mt Vernon Audit

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The audit which has been complete for months now will be available for view in March. Originally it was supposed to be out last year but was delayed for certain reasons. I am not sure what will be on there but the rating that I believe MV might get will tell the story. To view this you can google NYS Civil service, click on Human Resources and then look for press releases. A recent audit of New Rochelle and other cityies in NY are posted. Interesting reading! Hudson

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The audit from NYS Civil Service is not a monetary audit, it is an audit on hiring practices,promotional practices etc. There is information out there that some people who have worked for MV for years have not passed an exam yet but are still working in MV. Overall-the former administration did'nt appear to go by any rules! So you study your butt off, take the test, place high on the list and just sit on the list because others are working in the position even though they failed or didn't even take an exam? Lets hope the new administration straightens this out. Hudson

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The audit is out, MV recieved a "FAIR" rating, a "GENEROUS FAIR" rating I was told. It will be available monday on the nys civil service site. A meeting is supposed to take place in the near future to explain to the powers to be what rules they need to go by. In the past there has been no rules! Time will tell.

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what happened to the 5 guys Mt Vernon was supposed to hire for the next probie class?

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How's things working out with the new Mayor ? Who will be the new MV Commish ??

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Word in the house is that the VULCANS got to the mayor and everything was halted?

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