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Eastchester- MV Into House w/Fire 02-23-08

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Date: Feb 23, 2008

Time: 2357hrs Hrs

Location: 1 Westview Ave X Sagamore

Units Operating: 2101, 2102, 2108 Engs. 29, 28, 27, 31; Lad. 16 TL. 17

Description Of Incident: MV into a P/D with fire.

Writer: LTNRFD, Truck4

2358hrs- PD on scene confirming vehicle into the house and on fire.

0001hrs- L-16 on scene, transmitting 10-75. Car is fully involved inside the house.

1st Alarm: E-27, 29, L-16, Car 2102; EVAC

0002hrs- E-30, L-17 to the scene on the 10-75.

0003hrs- Car 2102 S/C extra Engine to scene. Req. 2nd due to hit hyrant and bring 27 water.

S/C: E-31

0004hrs- E-27 putting deck gun into operation. Heavy fire 1st floor of a 2.5-story P/D with some extension to Exposure #2.

0005hrs- (2) L/S/O. All residents reported out of the home, unknown if car is occupied. M/A New Rochelle E-22/L-12 to cover.

0007hrs- Extension to Exposure is K/D.

0010hrs- CMD rpts vehicle struck the gas meter and fire is gas fed. Co's trying to find shut off. Req. Con Ed to scene.

0016hrs- E-31 is the FAST.

0017hrs- Car 2101 rpts Primary (-). No extension to floors above.

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