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The Incident Alert Writers Appreciation Thread

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I just wanted to say that I really, really appreciate all the members who work hard to post high-quality, factualy, and timely Incident Alerts on this forum.

IA's are one of the most popular features on this site, and a lot of people rely on them. It really helps to keep people informed. It wouldn't be possible without you guys, and I truly appreciate it.

Incident Alert's are NOT intended to be a buff page, but rather a log of incidents. That's one of the reasons you don't see us going to a paging system, but we do make IA's available for viewing via our mobile site,

And we are are also especially proud to keep the Incident Alerts completly free-we don't believe in profiting off of our members hard work like the for-profit services do.

I know many other members also really appreciate it, and hope they'll chime in and show their love!

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