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Somers- New Engine 185

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ENGINE 185 has finally been delivered and accepted! =D>

It is currently at Headquaters awaiting lettering. Lettering is scheduled to start today and run to Sunday.

Hose has already been loaded.

Equipment mounting and Training will ongoing over ther next few weeks.

Hopefully, be in service before January 1st!!

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Congratulations Ed,

We are going back to KME on Monday for final inspection on the new 18-2-3 and should have it in the next two weeks. Perhaps E-185 and 18-2-3 might work a job together in the future.

Good Luck


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Congrats, somers!!!!!!!!! Hope you have GREAT Luck wiith it!!!!!!!!!!!!

=D> =D> =D> =D>

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Congrats guys :wink:

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good luck with it =D> =D> =D>

When is the wet down 8-[

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I had the chance to see Engine 185 in person yesterday, briefly, just as they were about to paint the Elephant on. It looks pretty good, looking foward to a chief showing me more of the features.


(Spy Shot By x635)

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  x635 said:
It looks pretty good, looking foward to a chief showing me more of the features.

Features: pump 1500 gpm two stage Waterous pump, 1000 gal booster tank, on board generator (hydraulic)

To follow: Bullard T3Max TIC, (5) fireground Handi-Talkies, assorted engine co tools.

As of Sunday, Dec 5 @ 1500 hrs, no elephant, no lettering, just some gold leaf around edges.

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Congrats Ed & the rest of the Somers FD! The rig looks great, sounds like its set up real well! I definately like the new KME chassis, looks great, best of luck to you guys with it!

Quick question....the last engines that Somers FD purchased were Seagraves (E180 & E181), any specific reason(s) why you guys went with KME on the new rig? This may have been discussed before, i just don't remember. I was just curious if there were problems with Seagrave, or if it was just because KME had better options for what you were looking for.

You'll have to keep us updated as far as a wetdown date!

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  BFD1054 said:
Quick question....the last engines that Somers FD purchased were Seagraves (E180 & E181), any specific reason(s) why you guys went with KME on the new rig?

One big reason was price. KME was $30,000 to $40,000 (don't remember the exact #'s) cheaper than Seagrave and Pierce.

Other reasons (not directly related to price) were quality issues with Seagreave. Issues that, almost 5 years later, still are not corrected. Issues with valves being installed wrong, incorrect wiring and paint pealing.

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Thank You to all.

Hopefully, the "Wet Down" will be in the spring or early summer. We will probally do a combined "Wet Down" for E-185, RES20CUE, 80B3 and 2443, all should be delivered by May!

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How does the quality of the New KME Engine compare to the Seagraves and Pierces you have had in the past? Am I missing any manufacturers?

Fit and Finish?

Service and Repairs?

Seems KME, Seagrave, ALF and Pierce are delivering quite a few apparatus in Westchester

stay safe and keep low

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Engine 185 is now all lettered. Next week is equipment mounting and then training from KME and are own qualifications.

MSM- Thus far, it appears the quality is just as good as the Seagrave's, Pierce's and Oren's that we've had in the past.

Fit and finish appears good- Both of the 2001 Seagraves had moderate paint peeling on the bodies. In fact E-181 is heading to severe paint peeling. From the time the estimate was done at a local body shop, to the time that Seagrave authorized payment and it was brought to the shop, the peeling had doubled and the shop would no longer do the work for his estimate.

Service and repairs- so far I feel KME is better than Seagrave and the same as Pierce. We still have issues with the Seagraves that have not been corrected, that were on the original list from the delivery. All issues from this KME have already been address and corrected within 3 weeks. We'll see as time go on though.

This is the 1st KME Preditor for Westchester

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TRUCK6018 & RES20CUE, thanks for all the info! Sounds like it will be a good rig, best of luck with it! TRUCK, thanks for answering my questions, i was just curious. I thought i had remembered you guys saying you had some problems with Seagrave, just wasn't sure.

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Engine 185 was finally placed in Service last night at approximately 1930 hrs.

Engine 185 is running 1st Due out of the "Big House" in Granite Springs alongside Ladder 18.

Engine 186 has been removed as a "front line" engine, and placed as a reserve engine, and 2nd Due Engine/Tanker out of "Heritage Hose" out of Somers House.

With 185 in Service- ALL Front Line Somers apparatus now feature fully-enclosed cabs. 186 is scheduled for replacement in 2006.

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congrats on your new rig in service good luck wit her =D>

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