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Future Fireman

Easy way to make a good, healthy meal

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Here's an easy way to make a meal.

Ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Does it have protein?

2. Does it have a fruit or veggie?

3. Is the total amount of calories less than 800 calories.


1. If yes, protein should be approx. twice the size of your palm for males. Size of your palm for females. If no, GET SOME!

2. If yes, don't eat corn or carrots, they maybe veggies, but eat green veggies. If no, have an apple.

3. If yes, balance this out for 3 meals, total should only be 2400 calories in a single day. That's an easy way for dieters to determine what to eat. If no, Why the Hell are you eating Fast Food?!*

*Please note, that was not directed for those who are always on the run. If you can manage your calories, you should be fine.

Hope this helps dieters everywhere!


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