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YFD's First Female Firefighter's First Worker 2/15

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Quick image from earlier. More Saturday.


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Firefighter Navedo in the foreground-


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Congrats to all the probies who put in work this past week!

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Im sure alot of guys would have loved to have someone follow them around and get a nice picture of them at their first fire.

Dare i ask, do you have any of her after the job, with snots down to her chin?

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What compamy is she with.

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She is with Sq. 11. Is there a point of singling her out from the rest of the probies she came on with?

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SHE has not singled herself out or asked to be singled out. She was just at work doing her job. If someone wants to post a pic of her, for whatever reason, that is their right I guess.

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She is with Sq. 11. Is there a point of singling her out from the rest of the probies she came on with?

Yes. She's the FIRST female firefighter in the history of Yonkers FD. Groundbreaking, and makes her part of YFD history. That photo goes along with all the other photos of Yonkers FD in action.

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Yes. She's the FIRST female firefighter in the history of Yonkers FD. Groundbreaking, and makes her part of YFD history. That photo goes along with all the other photos of Yonkers FD in action.

Good for her! Congrats and good luck to her!

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Yes. She's the FIRST female firefighter in the history of Yonkers FD. Groundbreaking, and makes her part of YFD history. That photo goes along with all the other photos of Yonkers FD in action.

Do you work with her? If you did, you would know she doesn't want to be treated any differantly than the rest of the probies. Yes its history, but it is also seperating her cause no other YFD member has a thread dedicated to them.

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Wow, only a proby and already has her first job documented and is already a ledgend making history. Some amazing things going on in the fire service today.

So...any snot pictures of her?

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Just remember she's only a probie, not a vet on his/her last day before retirement.


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She is with Sq. 11. Is there a point of singling her out from the rest of the probies she came on with?

She should not be singled out because all probies are equally useless. :lol: I wish them all good luck, they are a good group and make a fine addition to a great family.

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She should not be singled out because all probies are equally useless. :lol: I wish them all good luck, they are a good group and make a fine addition to a great family.

Not equally useless, equally prankable! :lol:


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Question: Yonkers allows probies on the Squad Companies? I thought they were "Special Operations" units that required time on the job first, or is that just FDNY?

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Congrats to FF Navedo on her first fire.

Edited by pcfdrfd700

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Congrats to all the probies and good luck on your new carrers.

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She should not be singled out because all probies are equally useless. :lol: I wish them all good luck, they are a good group and make a fine addition to a great family.

Probies are not usless. What ever happened to cleaning dishes, toilets, floors and racking hose? Clean the tools until you can name every one and what it's used for and where it is.

Probles can also be used as door stops. (Just joking on this one)

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