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Bulletproof vest saves cop at Fire in Mahopac NY

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MAHOPAC - If the bulletproof vest that Officer Stephen McCabe was

wearing last week while responding to a car fire outside a local school

didn't save his life, it certainly prevented a serious injury, Chief

Michael Johnson said today.

McCabe, 28, was dispatched to the

Lakeview Elementary School last Monday around 5:10 p.m. on a report of

a car fire, Johnson said. Police did not release information on the

incident until today.

"The vehicle was fully engulfed. All of our cruisers are

equipped with fire extinguishers, so he tried to put it out," Johnson


That's when things got tricky.

Realizing his

extinguisher was no match for the fire, McCabe turned his back on the

burning Jeep to usher away a crowd, including children at the school

for a function, that was gathering near the fire.

Just as he did that, a hydraulic arm that holds open the Jeep's rear hatch

exploded from the fire and struck McCabe in the back.


he was wearing his bullet-proof vest and the injury to his back was

limited to a sore back," Johnson said. "The wearing of bulletproof

vests not only protects officers from bullets, but it also softens the

impact of foreign objects and fists."

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Another example of why the police should stick to doing police work. If the vehicle was truly fully engulfed as was stated in the article, then what is the use of dumping a fire extinguisher on it? Go direct some traffic and let the FD deal with fighting the fire...

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Another example of why the police should stick to doing police work. If the vehicle was truly fully engulfed as was stated in the article, then what is the use of dumping a fire extinguisher on it? Go direct some traffic and let the FD deal with fighting the fire...

You know what, regardless of what the cop did and how us public safety types argue and view this, it does bring out a reminder about gas struts, THEY EXPLODE AND CAUSE SERIOUS INJURIES!

A few years back, the Windsor Locks FD in CT responded to car fire where a gas strut for a hood (don't remember of engine or rear hatch hood, but anyway, the strut exploded, dislodged from the car and WENT STRAIGHT INTO A FIREFIGHTER'S LEG.

He was fully outfitted in his PPE and the only way he knew something wrong was the hot burning sensation in his leg and when he looked down, there was the strut, just above the knee, in from one side and poking out the other.

It doesn't matter what agency you're from, or what job you perform, when you approach a car fire, use extreme caution.

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Another example of why the police should stick to doing police work. If the vehicle was truly fully engulfed as was stated in the article, then what is the use of dumping a fire extinguisher on it? Go direct some traffic and let the FD deal with fighting the fire...

Nice. What about when firefighters witness a purse snatching or mugging, and then chase down the offender, holding him until the police arrive for the arrest (i.e. this has happened in NYC). I hope you're just as tough on these firefighters, and tell them that they should stick to firefighting and not police work. No offense intended, but I believe all of us in emergency services do the best we can at any given time, and in any given situation. Sure, he didn't use the best judgment, but was instinctively just trying to do the right thing. The main thing is that he's ok, and able to continue serving the public & be with his family.

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