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Yonkers Humane Society donates pet oxygen masks to Yonkers Fire Department

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Ernie Garcia

The Journal News

YONKERS - A donation of animal oxygen masks this morning will allow firefighters to revive pets pulled from burning homes more efficiently.

The Yonkers Humane Society visited the Yonkers Fire Department's headquarters on New School Street to donate three sets of animal oxygen masks that the group hopes will save more pets' lives. The donation was the first of more masks the groups wants to purchase.

"We're hoping for donations so that every firehouse will have a set," said Rosemary Lee of the Yonkers Humane Society.

Yonkers Deputy Fire Chief William Fitzpatrick said the city's firefighters regularly find pets in homes after a fire has been subdued.

"A lot of times the dogs or cats know where to hide. It's quite often that we are able to revive them," said Fitzpatrick.

The three sets of small, medium and large animal oxygen masks will be kept by battalion chiefs in three firehouses around the city. Fitzpatrick explained that a battalion chief typically responds to a fire, so at least one set of animal masks will be available to revive animals.

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