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Hawthorne - Working Fire - 1/29/08

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Date: 1/29/08

Time: 06:30

Location: 97 Atlantic Avenue (Between Brighton Ave. & Memorial Dr.)

Frequencies: 46.26 / Fire-11

HFD Units Operating: 2191, 2192, E156, TL12, U15, 63B1

VFD Units Operating: 2482, R9, E84

TFD Units Operating: 2471, TL1

BMFD Units Operating: R37

WCDES: Battalion 11, C&O Zone 3

Relocated: Elmsford E237 to Hawthorne.

Description Of Incident: Working fire in a private dwelling.

Writer: Remember585

06:32 - 2192 responding, 60 Control reporting one call for a fire in the area per MPPD and additional call from alarm company.

06:34 - 2191 O/S with working fire, requesting Mutual Aid from Thornwood (Truck) and Valhalla (Engine, Rescue w/ FAST).

06:37 - 2191 reports kitchen fire, occupants out of structure, reports of an animal on 2nd floor. TL12 responding.

06:39 - Briarcliff R37 (Cascade) to the scene.

06:40 - TL12 O/S. E84 responding.

06:41 - TL1 responding. R9 FAST responding. 2471 responding.

06:44 - 2191 reports main body of fire K/D, checking for extension. TL1 & 2471 O/S.

06:45 - R37 responding.

06:47 - E237 relocating to Hawthorne FD.

06:48 - R9 FAST O/S.

06:49 - 2191 reports fire is under control. E84 O/S.

06:52 - R37 O/S.

06:53 - 2191 requesting C&O Team, Zone 3 paged.

06:59 - 2482 reports all Valhalla units back in service.

Edited by Remember585

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