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Philadelphia, PA- 6th Alarm 01-20-08

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Date: 01-20-08

Time: 1655hrs

Location: 1338 North Front St. X Master/Thompson

Departments: PFD

Description: Heavy fire throughout a 3 and 4-story 75X100 commercial factory with close exposures.

Writer: Truck4

1655hrs- Heavy smoke on 3rd and 4th floors on arrival.

1708hrs- Co's having access problems, still have not located the seat of the fire.

1712hrs- S/C (2) extra Trucks.

1714hrs- 2nd Alarm. Co's have heavy smoke condition throughout. Co's still opening up.

1730hrs- 3rd Alarm.

1741hrs- 4th Alarm.

1757hrs- 5th Alarm. Setting up exterior operations for heavy fire throughout.

1806hrs- Building is fully involved.

1810hrs- S/C (2) extra Engines for exposure protection.

1820hrs- 6th Alarm transmitted. Collapse zone established.

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