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60 Control: Better Pay, Better Facilities?

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It seems to me that DES is really rapidly expanding. It also seems that with this, 60 Control is taking on more and more work, almost 500% or more what they were doing 10 years ago, with the same staffing, same pay, and same facilities.

I'm wondering if it's anywhere in the County's agenda to compensate the Communications Operators and Supervisors at 60 Control with what they deserve, a fair salary that's comprable with a Police Officer or firefighters.

I also wonder if there are any plans to add staffing so that they have a reasonable and manageable workload, given they have one of the toughest dispatching jurisdictions in the world, and the call volume keeps increasing year after year?

Also, is a new facility in the capital budget for any upcoming fiscal year?

I was shocked that the Chief Of my Fire Department makes more then double what the Chief of 60 Control makes (according to Westchester Magazine). The Chief of 60 Control has a LOT more responsiblity on his plate, and less staff to help him, then my department's Chief.

The whole retirment is a State thing, but Westchester could definetly push for it and set an example.

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More Dispatchers and more money!!!!! LOL, you're funny.

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  WCDES636 said:
More Dispatchers and more money!!!!! LOL, you're funny.

Did the CSEA approve a new contract that I am not aware of? LOL

Edited by Bababoosky

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Having that parking lot there will be nice. I hate the walk from WCPD parking lot with turnouts and SCBA. Its a real pain in the butt after a long day of training.

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  Bababoosky said:
Did the CSEA approve a new contract that I am not aware of? LOL

You've got a better chance of seeing the baby Jesus then a new contract!

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  Remember585 said:
You've got a better chance of seeing the baby Jesus then a new contract!

Hang tough John. it took us 5 years to get our contract in Putnam

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  x635 said:
I'm wondering if it's anywhere in the County's agenda to compensate the Communications Operators and Supervisors at 60 Control with what they deserve, a fair salary that's comprable with a Police Officer or firefighters.

If you have been reading the news over the last month, County gov is more concerned with what the part timers at the top make.

  x635 said:
I was shocked that the Chief Of my Fire Department makes more then double what the Chief of 60 Control makes (according to Westchester Magazine). The Chief of 60 Control has a LOT more responsiblity on his plate, and less staff to help him, then my department's Chief.

When you say "chief" of 60 Control are you refering to one of the Chiefs or the Commissioner?

Maybe your chief makes more because he has seniority, most public safty jobs pay more based on seniority.

Or maybe its because your chief actually had to pass the NYS Chiefs Civil Service Exam to earn the title.

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I dunno if this is the case at 60-Control, but I know other instances where you have Emergency Services personnel in the same Union as "regular" civil servants, and the majority of people in the Union do not understand the issues involved and why the Emergency Services workers deserve better pay, better differential percentages, better vacation time, etc.

I know our previous Shop Steward up here at Stamford 911 dedicated a LOT of his time over several years to getting us to where we are now.

Stop me if this info doesn't belong on this forum-- but is there a similar situation at 60-Control, as far as other Union members not really understanding whats going on at KED-281?

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  242steve said:
I dunno if this is the case at 60-Control, but I know other instances where you have Emergency Services personnel in the same Union as "regular" civil servants, and the majority of people in the Union do not understand the issues involved and why the Emergency Services workers deserve better pay, better differential percentages, better vacation time, etc.

I know our previous Shop Steward up here at Stamford 911 dedicated a LOT of his time over several years to getting us to where we are now.

I would love to see all the 911 and other dispatch centers start talking about their contracts and union information! Here in the City of Poughkeepsie we are also CSEA, but as in other locations including Dutchess 911 everybody is in the same union as there DPW and other civilian workers. As of 12/31 our contract is now expired being that its a new administration negotiations have only just started to be worked on. This may have to be placed under a new topic, but lets see if we can make this a discussion.

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Pay em what they're worth. Any possibility, you guys can union up with other county dispatchers?? IE P-911, 44 Control?? More members, political pull, etc.??

I have no idea how long we've been working without a contract. I think a year and a half.

Edited by JBE

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Bnechris makes a good point. Lately job postings for DES are send your resume, not the normal job posting with exam......

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i agree with Remember585 ( by the way congrats on becoming 2083 ) !

Hopefully with the new Westchester County GOV Budget they will settle with the CSEA.

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Over here we fall under the United Firefighters Union as 99% of us are still able to go on the trucks if we want, might be harder for you guys if you're civilian, but I can't see any reason if your fire service dispatchers that you can't come under the IAFF ?

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