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Mount Vernon Firefighter Sues Over Reverse Discrimination

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I wanna see the LT bars on you in 2008!

Keep kickin' some butt brother! :D

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What a bunch of crap. My cousin retired from F.D.M.V. a few years ago and said things were getting worse back then.He was LT. on R-1. Good luck Brother I hope you get to be a boss. CHIEF HAC come out of retirement.

Edited by x134

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Good luck JC! You deserve the promotion. It's too bad you have to go through all this to get what is rightfully yours.

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I hope you get more then the bars you earned, but a fat paycheck and a huge apology from Mayor Bowtie.

People deserve what they've earned, and you've sure as hell earned it JC!

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Good luck, JC. I hope it all works out for you.

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Nice to see someone fight for what's right! Good luck to you sir.

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Best of luck .may everyrhing turn out right.

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Best of luck in your quest for on the job equality, it will be a long hard fight, but it is worth it.

Every time this type of issue comes up, there is always talk of "leveling the playing field" in the work place. I have an idea how we could make the playing field very level but it would be opposed by those who really don't want equality. What if we got rid of all the special bonus points that are given for the wrong reasons and just let people compete on an open civil service basis, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, ect.? Wouln't that ensure that whatever department gave such a test would get to pick from their best possible choices of candidates? Oh wait, that would never work, how foolish of me.

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