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Detectives And Uniforms: Who Pays For Them?

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I know Detectives in many PD's have to wear business attire, suits or streetwear for undercover.

Are the atire issued by the department, or reimbused, like a Patrol Oficers, or is it the detectives responsiblity?

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  x635 said:
I know Detectives in many PD's have to wear business attire, suits or streetwear for undercover.

Are the atire issued by the department, or reimbused, like a Patrol Oficers, or is it the detectives responsiblity?

The initial issue of uniforms is issued by the Department (in my job's case) and all subsequent uniforms, shoes, etc. are the responsibility of the member and paid for (at least in part) by a uniform allowance. Detectives get the same uniform allowance so if they need to buy a suit instead of a uniform, the money can be used for that. Our job doesn't issue any civilian attire. Of course, the reality is most of the uniform allowance goes to Christmas bills or other "realities" but the intent is to maintain uniforms. :P

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Down here uniforms are provided by the department. This includes initial and subsequent issue. Detectives are given a quarterly civilian clothing allowance. I'm not sure but I believe it's something like $150.00 per quarter.

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I know we all get 19.00 a week for uniforms, and equipment. This includes upkeep and cleaning.

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NYPD PO's get $1000 a year (in December). Sgts and Detectives get $980 a year IIRC. Thte uniform allowance is tacked on to a regular paycheck, so it is taxed. The only thing given to us is our vest (1 for 20 years), you shield (which you give back when you retire/promotion), your service weapon, and just recently the night sights for your weapon. The rest comes out of pocket/ uniform allowance, right down the pin that holds the shield to your shirt.

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I concur with a previous post, when I was on the job, I can't remember myself or anyone else actually using the uniform allowance for uniform supplies. Like he said we used it for x-mas or paying bills. One interesting thing is that in my early years it was not taxed until a particular paper pusher in headquarters brought it the attention of the IRS.

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