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FBI probing Sleepy Hollow police conduct

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SLEEPY HOLLOW - The FBI has launched an investigation into alleged brutality and misconduct by the Sleepy Hollow Police Department, prompted by cases in which officers tasered a 16-year-old boy and allegedly beat up and tasered another person who accused a detective of romancing his young daughter, The Journal News has learned.

Federal agents are questioning all officers involved in those cases and others as part of an ongoing probe that began a month ago.

"They're investigating allegations of police brutality and misconduct," Police Chief Jimmy Warren confirmed today. "They've asked for records and they've asked to speak to the officers individually. That will be coming up in January."


just what the village needs...more negative publicity

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They should be investigating the little perp that needed the a** beating in the first place.

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They should be investigating the little perp that needed the a** beating in the first place.

The article says that he was transported by ambulance to police HQ... I might be new at this whole EMT thing, but I am assuming that they were dispatched as an emergency call... can you transport a patient to anywhere other than a 911 receiving hospital? I was under the impression that you cannot transport a patient to a non-receiving destination. Perhaps he RMA'd, to avoid the whole abandonment thing, but he is 16 so his mom would have had to do that for him, and since she took him to the hospital I doubt he was RMA'd by her. If they dispatched the ambulance for him, I don't think they can decide he doesn't need medical help after that, and since he is a minor, he can't decide that either.

Don't have a really applicable citation, but talks about the need of a medical destination, and not Section 28 hospitals only in non-emergency calls. I know that if a police officer wanted me to transport a minor to the police station, I wouldn't risk my license and bank account doing it, and that kid would end up in an ER somewhere.

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You wouldn't be risking your license being you are only certified and not licensed. Also most police officers if nearly all of them would never ask anyone to transport a person to HQ unless it was for a very specific reason and any decision would come down to professional conversation and understanding. As far as deciding if he doesn't need medical assistance, you can make that decision. Again it comes down to experience and understanding. A no medical needed is a no medical needed. If a person say didn't call and you get there and say everything is fine...that's no medical as long as you can tell its legit. That's like saying if someone makes a prank call and there is nothing wrong you still transport?

I think its ridiculous in this case to have the FBI involved with this case. Utterly ridiculous. Truck4 said the other thread has good info on it also.

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come on als -we love a good argument it seems lilke Sleepy Hollow has messed up once again and now need the feds to clear things up. I am sure there are lots of great police officers in Sleepy Hollow but it seems that some one has some pull some place to get the feds in to look around.

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