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Future Fireman hard are they to program?

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Alright, I've got a scanner on my wish list for Christmas, and since no one in my family works in civil service nobody knows what the hell a radio scanner is. (All they think a scanner is is a part of a combination printer :rolleyes: ) Anyways I'm looking at some radioshack scanners and here would be the frequencies i would have to program. Although it reccomends the radioshack PRO-97, I'm wondering just how hard it is for a new guy to radio frequencies to program it. Normally I listen to the online feed, but it's tempermental, as one day it might work, the next dropped after 2 minutes.


Edited by Future Fireman

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The Pro 97 is very easy to program if you get the Win97 programming software from There's a 30 day free trial for the software then to register it's $25.00. You will also need to purchase the programming cable from Radio Shack which runs about $30 or so.

With out the software, the scanner is rather difficult to program when it comes to the trunking. With the software, it's a breeze. You can import all the frequencies you might need from to the software.

Edited by TRUCK6018

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Alright, since I got a scanner, time to bump this thread up. I got a Radioshack PRO-528. I got the frequencies in BY HAND and I need to put the talk groups in. If I cannot program these today, I'm having Radioshack program it. Anyone wanna walk me through on how the hell to program talk groups in BY HAND?


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