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FDNY To Install "Crash Cams"

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FDNY Eyes Firetruck Crash Cams

Sam Smith 

Courtesy of New York Post

Firetrucks are getting into more accidents — and the FDNY is discussing putting video cameras in them to help cut down on the smashups. 

The number of accidents has increased from 476 in all of 2001 to 514 in just the first 10 months of this year. 

FDNY Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta pointed out that the number of accidents are a tiny percentage of the nearly 1 million times vehicles respond to fires a year, and the accidents include everything from fender-benders to serious crashes. 

But cameras in trucks would help to ensure that drivers obeyed department rules and bring the number of accidents down, Scoppetta told The Post. 

"It also would be enormously helpful if there are accidents," he said. "Certain parts of this town, you have an accident and people in the neighborhood immediately take the side of the civilian. 

"These situations would be totally resolved in most instances if we had a video of the event." 

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I think this a great idea. i think that all fire apparatus should be equiped with this technology.

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