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Fire District Elections: What Are The Rules?

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Tonight, many firehouses in NYS held their annual District elections.

I was wondering what the rules for a fire district election are? Are they the same as for a general election?

Are the Commisioners, especially those who are up for election, allowed to hang around the polling place? Also, can the staff, including active volunteers, of the district run the election?

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I believe offices can't run the election but active firefighters can. I think people can hang around the building they just can't be in the room were voting takes place or be in the hallway blocking the way to voting. I also belive there is no campaigning with in 100 feet of the polling place.

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New York State Town Law Section 175 spells out the rules for fire district elections in NYS.

District elections, by law, must take place the second Tuesday of December. There are exceptions to this for about six districts within the state.

The secretary of the district is responsible for the ballots and the Board of Commissioners of the said district appoints a "resident fire district elector" to act as chairman on the election. It is also law that the commissioners appoint between 2 and 4 fire district electors to act as inspectors and ballot clerks. The only requirement to be an elector is to be a registered voter of the town and to have been a resident of the town for 30 days prior to the election. The electors can be paid for service as long as the board of fire commissioner adopts a resolution providing such.

Remember, that one needs no affiliation with the fire department of the district to be a commissioner, nor are the board of commissioners obligated to use anyone from the firefighting force to conduct business.

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Yes, they are basically run like a general election. Voters must be registered voters. The registered voters list is obtained prior to the election. Those who run the election are appointed by the Board of Commissioners.

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